Horse: what is he even saying?! Kid! Don't you know English?

Y/n: (nods)

Horse: then why are you making weird noises?

???: because he's trying to communicate with us all!

Me and ye others looked at, Abby who said it as she then said.

Abby: the boy is saying that he can write and does know English because he can't speak clearly and uses noises to try and communicate with us.

Y/n's mind: "what the?! How did she know I was actually trying to say that?!"

We all stared at her as she then said.

Abby: i noise sounds back in high school.

Otis: anyway! The point is that the boy might keep our secret.

Pip: unlike Mrs beady.

Otis: unlike Mrs beady, and besides. No one will believe a 9 year-!

Pip: 8 year old.

Otis:-8 year old who tells anyone that is animals can talk! (Laughs) oh, oh I'm sorry! I got off track. (Stops laughing but gives a chuckle) but anyway...(looks at y/n and says to him.) are you willing to keep this a secret?

Y/n: (surprised look and looks at the crowd before nodding.)

Otis: great! So we're all safe! Maybe he can keep his mental health in track unlike Mrs beady. Heheh, it could've been worse if we have another Mrs beady!

He started laughing and some animals started laughing as well as I didn't really get it as I just stayed quiet until the animals stopped laughing.

Otis: okay, okay. So everything will be different for now on since, y/n now knows about us.

Bessy: and the boy is not gonna tell the farmer or everyone about this. (Glares at y/n) riiiight?

Y/n: (nods quickly.)

Bessy: good.

Goat: so uhhhh what do we do now?

Otis: go one and do your business as usual. Me and my friends are gonna keep an eye on him. (To his friends.) right guys?

Abby, Freddy, peck, pip, pig, and bessy: right!

Duke: you got it O, though I'll mainly be keeping an eye on, y/n. (To y/n) right, N/n?

Y/n's mind: "right duke! I will not say anything about it!"

Y/n: (nods while smiling.)

Otis: alright. Let's roll it. Mooooooo!

Everyone then got up and started leaving including me as I was walking past a few stared at me as I put my hand on my face as I decided to water the flowers. I grabbed the hose and was going to water them until I heard...

???: hello?

I turned to see, Abby as she stood on her hind legs as she was taller then me while I was shorter then as she look down at me literately to see my face as she gave me a warm and kind smile with those kind blue eyes.

Y/n: (waves at her.)

Abby: are you okay from last night?

Y/n: (rubs his arm while looking a tad bit away from her.)

Abby: (frowns sadly) I'm sorry if we made you have a heart attack last night but the truth is, we're scared if you expose us, like Mrs beady did.

Y/n: hm?

Y/n's mind: "who's Mrs beady?"

Abby: nevermind. But anyway, we are having a another party tonight, do you want to come?

I kind of liked partys but I feel like I'll ruin their fun. besides, I'm not a party person, I prefer being alone. But I don't want to hurt their feelings a bit as, Abby then said to me.

Abby: oh, if you're sensitive to sounds while in the party. (Holds out his hoof with 2 orange ear plug on her palm hoof.) you can use this to block the sound.

I looked at them as I am not sure what to do. Go to the party or not? I look at Abby as I made some small noise a bit until I then finally decided.

Y/n: (grabs the ear plugs from Abby's hoof.)

Abby: does that mean you'll come?

Y/n: (nods.)

Abby: thank you, y/n! You are not going to regret this. (Walks away a bit before turning around.) oh and to be clear, we're good. Right?

Y/n: (nods.)

Abby: (smiles) thank you, y/n. (Walks away)

I see her walk away before I then grabbed the hose and Is about to water the flowers until I then hear that made my heart froze.

???: hey! You.

I slowly turned around and saw, bessy as she had her hooves on her sides as she looked down towards me as I get a bad feeling as she told me this...

Bessy: listen here, kid. You may can't talk but that doesn't mean I trust you or going easy on you, I hear Abby talking to you, inviting you to the another party for tonight. And I'm going to put you you in your place. Don't you be thinking I'm joking, I'm dead serious. If you try to show yer grandpa who is the farmer of this barnyard. And if you do try to do that then-(punches her fist against the palm of her hoof.) you're crushed. Got it?

Y/n: (quickly nods.)

Bessy: good. Now stay the heck away from kid will ya?

She then walked away as I gave a sigh as I wanted to apologize for kicking her but I can't speak so yeah.

Y/n: (sighs)

I look around me to check no one is coming toward me before I turned around and finally water the flowers with the garden hose.

Y/n's mind: "how long will I win bessys trust? Maybe never I suppose."

(A/n: hey everyone, sorry for the short chapter, I just wanted to get done with this and all that, so I hope everyone has a great day.)

Words: 1578

Silent Boy and the barnyard (BATB x non-verbal child reader.)Where stories live. Discover now