Chapter - 10

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Third Person's POV

It has been two months since Ada started dating Dev and Adi became interested in pursuing Naina. Adi didn't leave any chance to impress Mr Barun, Naina's father. He could not meet Naina every day but at every chance, he went to Mr. Barun's house making excuses like signing some papers or discussing something important that he forgot to mention in the office.

Both Ada and Adi could feel something was going on in their sibling's life but they knew if they confronted they would also have to reveal about their life. So both siblings didn't intervene in each other's life. 

Ada was afraid that if her family found out they would start spying on her life. She remembered during her college days one boy tried to propose to her but her brother, Adi rejected him on behalf of her because that boy had a habit of smoking.

She found Dev as her perfect life partner. She loved to spend time with him. She didn't want to break the relationship.

Adi didn't want to inform anyone about her liking towards Naina because he was afraid that his family would not agree. Except for his bua, Nidhi, everyone in the family has gotten married to a daughter or son of a business family. He had no idea about his parent's marriage story. One of his friends who became CEO got married to the daughter of his family's business partner. Adi was afraid that he would have to do the same because he was the future CEO of his company. 

So both siblings hid this big news of their lives from each other and also from family. They wanted to share but they were also afraid of the outcome. 

One fine morning at Chauhan's company in Adesh's office. 

Adesh was checking some files when Adi entered the room after taking Adesh's permission. 

"Dad! Is the news true?" - Adi asked with a surprised expression. He wanted to confirm the credibility of the news he heard just a minute ago. 

Adesh looked at his son with a confused expression. He didn't understand what Adi was talking about. 

ADESH: What are you talking about? What news? Say clearly…

ADI : Ada's marriage -

ADESH : What??? With whom? When? Where??

Adesh instantly stood up from his sitting position upon hearing the words 'Ada's marriage'. Adesh didn't even let his son complete his sentence, he started bombarding his questions. Hearing the word of his daughter's marriage he wasn't able to compose himself. 

" Dad, let me finish my words first." - Adi replied a little annoyingly. Though he understood his father's feelings, he still got annoyed when his dad didn't let him finish his statement and attacked him with his questions. He felt the same when he first heard the news of his dear sister's marriage. 

ADI : Dad, Ada hasn't married anyone yet! I am talking about the news that is circulating in our office. 

" What news?" - Adesh now asked irritatedly. He felt a little relief when he heard Ada hasn't married yet. He thought his daughter got married. But he was very eager to know what the news was. Because he was sure it was something related to Ada's marriage. But what? He was worried.  

ADI : You fixed Ada's marriage with our business partner Mr. Malotra's son for our upcoming business deal. 

ADESH : What nonsense! Who is spreading this nonsense? 

Hearing the news Adesh got a little angry. For him, his daughter's marriage was not just a business deal. He would never do such a thing with his precious daughter's life just for business. 

ADI : Dad, calm down…I understand your feelings. I was also shocked to hear the news. I thought you agreed to this marriage - 

Adesh again didn't let Adi finish his statement.

ADESH : What? Do you really believe I could do such a thing? Just for a business deal, I will marry off my Ada to some random person! 

" Dad! Can you please let me finish whenever I am talking!" - Adi said with an annoyed expression. 

ADI : I know you could not do such a thing. But I still believe it because I know Mr. Malhotra's son. He is a very good person. So I thought maybe…

Again Adi was not able to finish his statement because Adesh's assistant knocked on the door and informed Adesh about the arrival of Mr. Malhotra. Adi exhaled a frustrated sigh. 

ADESH : What is he doing here now? 

ADI : How would I know? 

Adi replied with annoyance. He was irritated that whenever he tried to talk he was never able to finish. 

Mr. Malhotra entered the room, and the father and son duo welcomed him warmly. 

" Mr. Chauhan, why are you spreading the rumours about our children's marriage without even talking with me?" - Mr. Malhotra asked with a dissatisfied expression. 

ADESH : No, Mr. Malhotra. You are wrong. It is not me. I have just heard about it. I have no idea why this kind of rubbish news is spreading. Mr Malhotra, my daughter is very precious to me. More than any business deal. I would not arrange her marriage just for business with some random person. 

" Mr Chauhan! My son is not just some random person." - Mr. Malhotra said with an offended expression. 

Adi could feel the tense atmosphere between Adesh and Mr. Malhotra. Adi found the need to talk between them. 

ADI : Dad, Mr. Malhotra, please calm down. It is not us who spread this rumour. I think we should discuss this patiently. 

Both Adesh and Mr. Malhotra calmed down and discussed it. They both decided that they would talk with their children about this and after talking with each other they both realised it would be good if this rumour really becomes true. But without their children's consent, they didn't want to settle anything. 

After discussing this matter Mr. Malhotra left the office. Adi and Adesh were talking about Adesh's decision when Adesh's assistant hurriedly entered the office with a tense expression.  

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