Chapter - 14

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Third Person’s POV

“ No way! You will not go anywhere. If you want us to accept this marriage then you will not go anywhere leaving your home.” - Adesh saith with authoritativeness.    

Ada was going to reply something when Dev finally opened his mouth “Mr Chauhan, we are now married. Now my home is Ada’s home. She will live with me from now on.” 

“You! Shut up! I am not talking to you. What intention do you have? What do you want? You trapped my daughter. I will send you to jail. Do you want money? How much money do you want? Just say the amount”- Adesh shouted at Dev.

Ada was very hurt and shocked by her father’s behaviour. She never thought her father could talk with Dev like that. Even everyone else was a little surprised by Adesh’s choice of words but they could understand Adesh’s emotions. 

“Dad! Please! Don’t insult Dev. We love each other. We would have never taken such a step if you had not declared your decision of my marriage to the media without talking with me.”

“ Ada, honey, just hear yourself. You are blaming your father! This man has brainwashed you. I am hundred per cent sure he has trapped you just for your money. Young man, tell us, how much money do you want?” - Nidhi asked, looking at Dev from head to toe with a scornful face. 

Dev scoffed “ I am happy that my assumption is not wrong. You all are just the same I have thought.”

“ Hey! Shut up! We don’t want to hear what you have thought about us. Now, tell us clearly what intention you have. Is someone behind you? I am sure someone is helping you otherwise the message dad sent would not be deleted. I am giving you a chance. Just say your intention and the name of your partner or else we have to call the police and you will rot in prison.” - Adi threatened Dev. After seeing that the message his father sent to his sister was deleted; he was sure that Dev had some evil intention. 

“We will see who will rot in jail.” - Dev answered back to Adi in a challenging tone.

Adi was about to throw a fist at Dev when Pritika Shouted at Adi “ Enough! Stop! What are you doing? Adi, is this how any problem is solved? Adesh! Nidhi! What are you saying? Instead of talking calmly and settling everything, you are insulting him! Threatening him! Just look at Ada!” 

Then they all looked towards Ada, who was a crying mess. Her face was full of tears. She was very hurt by her family’s behaviour today. She had never thought her family would insult Dev this way without knowing him. 

“ Ada, honey…” - Adesh was going toward Ada to hold her but Ada stepped back and stopped him by showing her palm. 

“ No! No! Don’t! I know, dad, I did wrong. I have brought shame to my family. Without your permission, I should not have married him. I was feeling very guilty. But you know what, after seeing all your behaviour, I feel I did right. I had told Dev’s grandma with so much confidence that if I would tell my family about my relationship they would break the marriage alignment and accept Dev. But I was wrong. She was right. You would have never accepted our relationship.”

“No, Ada! They are cunning. They trapped-” Adi was trying to tell Ada that they were not good people, but Ada didn’t let him finish. 

“ Stop, Adi! Don’t speak another word. I don’t want to hear anything. What you used to say? Ada, I care for you most in this world. I can do anything for your happiness. You are insulting the person I love; I got married to. Do you believe that this is making me happy?” 

“ Ada, you don’t know this kind of person. You are soft-hearted. You think everyone is good -” -Ada again interrupted Adi.

“ I don’t want to hear anything. Mom, sorry for my deed but I had no other option left. I am leaving, Mom. I understood, no one will ever accept Dev. I will never come back to this house. Let’s go Dev” - Ada said with a quivering voice. Tears were continuously falling from her eyes. Saying this, Ada started to walk away with Dev.

“No, Ada listen…” - Pritika and others tried to stop Ada. But she was not stopping. She stopped her track when Adesh called her.

“Wait, Ada! I accept…I accept this marriage.” hearing this, Ada stopped her track and looked back with a small smile on her crying face. “ But I have a condition.” 

“ You will not leave this house. He will live here with you in our house.” - Adesh declared. 

“ That is not possible, Mr Chauhan. I have already told you, now my home is Ada’s home. She will live in my home with me.” - Dev also declared with the same authoritative voice. 

“ I am not talking to you…” - Before Adesh could control his mouth, these words came out of his mouth. He regretted it when he realized; what a mistake he had done. 

“ Dad, you have not accepted him yet. I will come back to this home if you ever accept him.” - Ada said with a sad smile and tearful face. 

Ada was walking away from her home with Dev. Everyone was feeling very sad. Pritika was crying, hugging her mother-in-law, Aditi. They all were looking at Ada’s retreating figure with crying faces. Adi’s heart trembled with fear when he noticed Dev’s face. Dev looked back towards Adesh with a weird face once. He was not able to interpret the expression but he was not feeling any positive vibes.  

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