I didn't realised that I was crying until Mrs parkar wiped my tears off my face. I smiled softly at her.

"Not that good" I said slowly, not knowing how to explain everything to her.

"You know, you can share everything with me. I know you don't consider me your mother, but you can consider me your friend and can tell me everything. Sometimes not sharing your pain with others can cause heaviness in your chest. Maybe after sharing your pain, you might feel light weighted" She said softly and again wiped my tears.

I smiled a little and once again laid my back on bed and looked up at the ceiling fan.

"Lonely" I said looking up at the fan and remembered the time when I used to cry because of being alone everytime.

"I was three when I was shifted to the orphanage so I don't have much memories of that time. But when I was growing up in orphanage, I heard that every kid has a mother and father. But only lucky kids got to get their love and unlucky kids like me stays in orphanage. I remember I used to cry for my mother" I said remembering the time.

"You know I was a loner. I never had friends back then. I had nobody to share my happiness or sadness. I always felt alone. In school, everyone used to bully me because they knew that I was the soft target. I didn't had parents so won't complain to anyone. And this thing gave them free ticket to bully me" I said feeling angry at those kids.

"I always used to have bruises in my face or wrists but the orphanage staffs never cared, actually nobody cared" I said angrily.

"But somehow I believed that one day my mom will come and take me with her and then nobody will hurt me. So I waited for my mom but she never came".

"I used to ask aunt Mary about my mom but she never told me anything about her. She just used to say that I don't have a mother but I never belived her. I always thought that she is lying to me. So I always used to irritate her with my questions and getting angry from my questions, she used to punish me" I chuckled and stood up and sit beside her.

"You know what was the punishment?" I asked chucking.

"She used to lock me in dark room with no food and water" I chuckled sadly and heard her gasp.

"Aunt Mary was really cruel. I never knew why she was hired as a caregiver in an orphanage" I said shaking my head.

"Anyways, I still waited for my mom but again I never found her. One day, I got bullied real bad in school and the only thing I wanted that time was my mother so I went to Aunt Mary and asked her to call my mom but she wasn't listening. So I started troubling her. Getting irritated with my behavior, she slapped me. Hard" I said gulping and looked at mrs parkar who is looking more angry then me.

"That was the first time she hit me. That was unexpected. I was shocked, angry and hurt. So I cried and asked her to call my mom so I can complain about her to my mom" I chuckled sadly.

"You know after listening my warning, she laughed at me and told me that my mom was the one who abandoned me. She made my life hell and sold me to brothel. That time I didn't knew the meaning of brothel as I was only eight year old. So yeah, after yelling at me she punished me but I still had that hope that one day my mom will come to me" I said slowly.

"But when I turned eleven, I accidentally got my file and then I read everything about the incident. I was heart broken when I read the part that my mom sold me to brothel" I said and looked at her.

She looked really sad and devastated. Honestly, I didn't said anything to make her feel guilty or anything. I said because I never shared these things with anyone and today when she asked, I couldn't stopped myself. I wanted her to know that I suffered. I suffered when I was alone.

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