Trash pt.2

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Family problems.
-Seven Nights -

I think that went smoothly. We got to blow that cute guy, and we'll get to see him tomorrow. Isn't that something we want?

Not really... The dude knows my aunt, someone at the wedding knew that we were gone longer than needed. Hell, we're supposed to be in the lineup, how do you miss two walkers? One goes out for a drink and the other is taking a piss break?! How do you spend 45 minutes outside for a "drink"?

Shit, I better take my fucking meds before we do this, I wanna be numb, and I'll let the other entity in this vessel steer, cause if I do, I'm going to jail. Sparrow was outside in the laundry room, eating another danish. She was put on ice duty again. There she was, in front of her greatest enemy, the vending machine. She spent her money on clothes and water to hold for the next day. She bought herself a small backpack too. That was all she needed. Her meds, water, clothes, and piece of junk keep her busy. Then, she would get her hearse back.

Sparrow thought heavily about what took place in that bathroom. She kicked and pulled at the vending machine, begging for a can of iced tea. "Fu--..." She held her hand over her mouth and sighed. Her cheeks burned with a large tinge of pink on her cheeks. She remembered how many times she said that word, she remembered feeling his hands on her waist. The wet sloppy kisses he left on her abs. His strong thick hands pulled her hips to his. She felt him holding her over the sink as she whimpered and shuddered. "You're so pretty for me..." She whispered, mocking his voice and his silly Southern accent.

"Damn... I gotta get this out. But to who!?"

Sparrow walked across the street, chewing her danish and holding her phone by her ear. Someone belched into the microphone.. "Hey Carter, how's the wedding going?" Carter reached a set of lonely stairs by the room, she held her throat and pressed her fingers along the marks he left in place of her hand.

"What if I said... I had some... Action?"

"From who?! It's a got-damn, reunion! Aargh! I wanted to think better of you Carter, I really really did! How could you!??" Where's that coming from?

"What? No, Valarie! I'm not fucking my relatives, it's a friend of the family..." Sparrow whispered. Valerie screamed at Sparrow. "REALLY!? SPILL IT! We're they big? Is they a milf or dilf? Did you fist them? Did they fist you? Were they gentle? Was this encounter consensual?!" So many questions, and so many answers.

"It was consensual, calm down, calm down!! And no, he isn't a dilf. He isn't even stable enough to be a daddy, trust me, I pushed that button." Sparrow spent some time talking to Valarie in full detail about her fling with Claude and expressed some lingering feelings for him. She didn't know what she felt, besides bliss and arousal. There were not any romantic emotions. "Woah! I'm shocked. You aren't talking about this guy like that last."

Carter didn't want to be heartless and only fuck Claude. He's a very nice guy, there's more to him than just his size and accent. He is a human being. A mysterious one, but yes, much very human. With a great sense of humor, a very nice set of eyes, and a gentle touch. She's actually interested this time. "The last? Who was the last, and how did that go?" Valarie cackled on the other side of the phone. "Shit, you don't remember? Man... You're lucky that I love telling you this shit."

"Oh no..." Let it be the short version... "Your silly music teacher, from high school. Nonstop, you'd force your voice to crack every single time you would voice your lewd and naughty thoughts about that poor man. Oooo, especially when you called him daddy. You had really crispy vocals after that."

"I still do..." I thought she would go up a notch, good thing she didn't. I'm not completely over him. "Yeah, I ruined my voice so badly, Mom, kept asking me when my balls would drop." I can still do it. "Have they?" Valarie giggles. "Yeeep... I'm hanging free like a tanuki."

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