Twisted Nerve

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MC is visiting their therapist their thoughts are written in bold print. Strange phrasing, Therapy, overdose, death, and murder- those are your only warnings.
Liberty City - Ivy League District
10:30 PM

"Blossom, you really look hot for twenty-eight." Therapist, old pal, and ex-gal. "Still rockin' the goth look too." This feels too smooth. It's too soft here. Something terrible might happen. "Oh, dear... Sparrow, what'd you do this time? 'Kill that dude you've been gawking over?" Blossom is my best friend. I'd known her way, before I moved to Liberty. "N-no, I wouldn't hurt Claude. Fuck, if I wanted to kill him, he's not going down without a fight."

I'm no snitch. I haven't been talking up his business, it's not my business. I only fixed his cars and fucked him a few times. To Blossom, she only knows his name, and that he and I are together. Nothing else. Not to my knowledge, at the moment...

Blossom's eyeless. Not literally, dummy. She doesn't admire her eyes too much, she likes to cover the cost m up with her bangs. I have nothing wrong with that, I think it's badass! I'd do it but I'm disabled. She has enough skill. Being able to navigate and see her surroundings with all that hair in her face.

She's your typical goth treat. One of those, goths who watches vintage-style horror movies, drives a hearse and is a popular stereotype. You know, the large-breasted cashier at a clothing store... "Psssh, you didn't learn your lesson, after Cata-/ Sick of history, let's learn physiology." I never thought that I would see her again. I'm grateful for her.

Ivy League District - Inside
10:34 PM

It's pouring outside. Boy, do I love my taste for sweaters. The eyepatch is off, I have goggles. Blossom claims that I act differently with my goggles on. I'm too wordy, too expressive, less depressive, and very violent. "You sure do love LEDs." She was drawn to the display of lights, posted along with the ceiling.

"Tonight's color is... Green. It feels too positive, yet, there's something negative about it."

Sparrow scanned the room, her goggles provided her with a different feeling, normally she would shake at every sudden movement, apologize for bumping things, her odd phrasing, and where she wanted to place herself. She stayed on the floor, leaning against the glass window, and humming to herself while she rocked her head side to side, a favored melody of hers, placed in her head, she bit down on her tongue to prevent herself from whistling. That's all the song was, just whistling, until the very end... The cool glass panel was behind her head, heating up as she rubbed against it.

"What was that, Sparrow?" Blossom asked, she thought it was a good thing to keep her goggles on. The tinted lenses hid her eyes perfectly, Blossom has some features that are worth staring at, now trouble for her this time... "Eeh, just bored... What are these books you got here?" She got off the ground and walked to a nearby bookshelf. "Books, books, more books, a sugar skull, normie skull, and... A succulent held captive in a jar!" She giggled, taking the small plant in her hands to her journey back by the window, she swayed it in her arms, like a baby. 

"A wild Blossom has appeared. Sitting on her knees at a coffee tablet with two kettles, both steaming hot." The woman narrated her friend's actions. Blossom tried her best not to laugh.

"You still like tea, don't you Sparrow?" Blossom poured herself a glass of coffee. No sugar, or cream. Yuck. Sparrow bit her tongue. "Yeah, I do? What flavor you grab? I smell cinnamon." Why does she keep calling me that?

"Mhm, great answer. Now, tell me something." The goth pushed the tea kettle at Sparrow. The girl smiled, eagerly taking the kettle and pouring herself a cup. "Why I came here? Well, I killed someone, and my boyfriend doesn't know." She licked her lips. Blossom choked. "Huh? Why are you so calm about that?" Am I supposed to feel guilty about that? The bastard had it coming, I don't take too kindly to rape threats and assholes who can't pay.

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