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These are only drafts.

Sleep Paralysis & Spiders-
4:09 AM

Yael Naim. I love her voice. It's like someone sneezed into a silk cloth and it flew into a paper shredder.
I've had her cover of "Toxic" stuck on loop in my head for eight weeks. 2:50 - 3:16 are my favorite pieces of the song. I'd sing it myself, but I'm more of a punk. I should be sleeping, not thinking about music. I have another off day to do that.

I pled and urged Claude not to sleep shirtless. In fear that I'd scratch him, or reopen one of his wounds. I did neither of those. They were simply warnings.

Unable to reach his phone or sign for me. I'm on him like a leech, a very hungry and stubborn leech. The night before this, he told me, "there's more business" for him to take care of. I don't care what his business is, just why... So early? It's four? Only farmers and old people wake up this early. He's no old person. Does he have a pot farm, and without me? N-no, Sparrow... If he did, he wouldn't come home smelling like gunpowder, blood, and rose water.

Six started to tremble. She was stuck in something. Knowing full on we'll, what her lover needed to do. She couldn't move. For the remainder of what's now last night. She remembers sleeping in this position. Her lover's legs entangled with hers, his bare chest comforting her soft head of fluffy hair. She couldn't do anything at all.

Her right eye lazily opened up, frozen in one task. Constantly, moving up and down, only focused on the wall. There was no type of light in the bedroom, not even the slightest flash from a phone screen. Sparrow quit trying to check the room, her eye stayed glued to her wall and the dark shadow of the lap. Then she spotted something. What the fuck is that thing?!? *insert flinching* Is that spider?! I don't have bugs in my house? I don't even own a tarantula anymore. Did fluffy have babies and leave them here...? "!!!"-
Dreaming... *lot longer than the first.*

Not Hers
8:23 PM

It's only a long drive around the city, nothing else. I'm sitting in the car with a guy friend of mine. We've known each other for two years now. Over that time, I have caught a few of cupid's late arrows in my backside, and I assume, I suddenly can manifest freak accidents onto people now... By mistake, and drunk rage. I manifested, the horrible and off-putting passing of my friend's abusive girlfriend. I'd rather have done it by combat, not the universe... But this is okay.

"Hiya, Speedster! How's your day been going?" I'm trying to cheer him up. He's nonverbal, so I don't have to worry about getting prickly ears when I try listening for his mood. I'm better at guessing and reading his expressions, but I dislike being the mouthy one in his space. I brushed my teeth eight times today. I hope that cinnamon toothpaste is doing something. I can't smell a damn thing. My friend here is popular in the city. He's a drifter.

On most evenings/nights, I have a garage that I like to work at. My father doesn't want me to run his business after he passes away like I care about that? This garage of mine is just a hobby aside from graffiti art and bass playing, I'm not planning on going to college. Going through another four years of being behind books and busted binders with the craving to mingle, I'll kill myself.

He's well known as Claude Speed. I don't really call him that, I just say Speedster, Speedy, Handsome, and Pretty-Boy. I admire his silence, and I like seeing his usual stoic demeanor melt into a heartwarming smile and his dark brown eyes. I slowly brushed my fingers tips along with the brown leather seats of his red Lexus. I'm a little jealous, how'd he get his on this beauty? Is this supposed to be for a simple drive-around, or does he race with this?

He shrugs. "Not sure? Understandable! W-what're we going to do tonight?" He gets ready to pull out of the driveway, I look around for any cars that looked like my father's. He's angry at me if he finds that I'm not in my room. I'll be in huge trouble. Claude points at me. I nearly choke on my spit. "M-me? I'm not sure you'd wanna dip your paintbrush into my- Ohhh? You're not afraid of heights are you, Speedster?" That was too wordy... Do you think noticed that?
Remus Arial
9:01 PM

"Well, here we are..." It's a rooftop sanctuary. Just a giant glass dome packed with flowers and fresh air. "It's abandoned, I used to have a friend who owned this place. Unfortunately, they passed just recently." I was given the job of caring for their flowers, but I forgot. I never really wanted to do so anyway, and there's a reason. I can't exactly, smell live flowers. Mostly roses, and lilies. Those all smell like watered-down house spray. Claude and I walked through the greenhouse, I led him past the doors and seated myself on an old generator.

"I'm sorry it's not much, 'sorta wishing that first suggestion had been a real thing..." I mumbled. Claude doesn't seem to care. I watch him, he shrugs it off. "You're fine with this?" I check. He nods. Shortly after, he holds up two fingers, and he smiles. "Peaceful? Oh, wow... Wait until morning, the bustling cars and trucks will fix that right away.---

Though, on certain days. You can't hear anything from up here. I don't know if it's just me, but it's like the whole world is paused." Why is he so handsome? Who created this human? Why's he so...- Just one kiss and I'll die happily, or he could sit next to me. That's still the same thing. "Uhm, since you find this place to be peaceful, and calming. Would you like to sign something? The lack of movement makes me anxious, and I'd like to know what's on your mind..."

-the lack of talking is making me anxious too.-

"Feel free to sit next to me." He says he's fine with standing up. I see that he's jittery. Where did that come from? He was cool just a moment ago. I watch him a little more, but I can't read anything else except "love".

"You... Love cats? I didn't think you were a cat person, Claude."


"I know! You like me and junk... I like you too..." I hope that's not solipsistic. Nothing like those types of bitches. Claude can't get himself to quit smiling. "I-i was actually, right...?" I'm throwing myself off this roof, I don't wanna see the outcome of this. He can't like me. I won't let it be.

"I feel the exact same way... Only I can't be with you, Arkham..." My father is already pissed at me for sneaking out of the house. I could imagine. If he catches me with him, somebody's going to die. "What do I mean by that? Dad's nutty. He'll kill one of us, the one percent goes to you, Speedy."

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