Moon Tea

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Mostly MC's thoughts... Tea junk, and happy ending... Author hopes you can visualize...

Lustful Cafe
1:01 AM

"Okay! That's gotta be him." Sparrow flew around the ceiling in circles. Valarie didn't want to believe her this time. It's been thirty-eight minutes, she and Sparrow could've been at the rave do a brief moment and come back just in time. Throughout those painful, hopeful, and overly confident thirty-eight minutes, Sparrow's mistaken numerous customers as her hitman-"boyfriend".

"You said that seven orders ago." The glass panels and door were very clouded, cleaning them was made out as pointless. No matter what method you tried to clear it up, the glass would worsen with each shot. Marking out Sparrow's "boyfriend" became a very difficult task with that issue.

Now actually embarrassed, and wanting to give up. Jay closed her eye and groaned. An image of her admiree popped up. The image had his frame, his common black/green/brown color combination, his same mildly spiked brown hair, and his five o'clock shadow. One thing is wrong with this picture. She couldn't remember his face. This image was just a manikin.

"Oh, shit, is that the guy?" Valarie said loudly, biting her tongue to shut herself up. Jay didn't hear the door open, her eye flung open, now stuck to the hooded being in front of her. "Uh... Hello?" Not a single piece of flesh in sight. "..." She tried peeking under the dark cloak. Nothing at all. The hooded being sat down a large pouch of souls. She felt a familiar scent come off of this person. They reeked of blood and gunpowder. The blood didn't come from them, that's the same for the gunpowder.

This was comforting to her. She turned back to the microwave behind her and reheated the dish automatically as if this person drove her to do so. Then the plate was successfully reheated, now at the hands of the stranger. Valarie sighed. "I gotta split, there's nothing cool happening, and I have a catboy waiting for me at home. See ya, Sixx!" Valarie leaves.

"Yeah..." Visible disappointment rose in her voice. Jay left the counter and went into the kitchen, she had a pack of cigarettes hidden in the walls of the kitchen. Coming back to the front counter with a freshly lit apple-flavored cigarette in her hand, she dropped it. "Huh?" The cloaked figure was reduced to a familiar-looking man in a black tailcoat, and beige trousers. "I-it's you..." She bites her tongue. "I didn't think you would show up..." Her voice rasped.

Great, just what I need. My squeaker voice can't squeak right now. I gotta remember to limit myself to talking.

It's great to see you again.

"It's nice seeing you too sir, what brings you here at this hour?" She coughed. The man answered, I'm not allowed to get my early fix? "Fair..." Sparrow croaked. "Couldja come any sooner? Moon tea isn't an easy drink to keep warm."

I'll try.
He shrugs lightly. "Or if you're "business" prevents that from being a thing, I can put my notepad to good use."



He drums his fingers on the counter anxiously. Sparrow pulls her notebook from her apron. Nine minutes pass by very quickly. Jay's managed to write out the anonymous man's agenda and nab his number. "Hey, I just realized... I didn't catch your name..." I asked. I had to give him a John Doe name. I can't stick with Zeke much longer, it makes the fantasy disgusting.

Arkham, but Claude works.

"Arkham? That's a cute name... N-not that you're cute... You're very handsome, dilf like too..." Oh my god! Why did I say that? Why? He's probably gonna leave, and want his souls back. Why did Argo make that a real thing? I don't have enough for this week's rent.

For succubus, you are very timid. Are there any other thoughts that you wanna spill?

"H-how could you tell?!" Nobody's guessed me like that, I get stuck telling them. It makes everything awkward.
That beauty mark on your left thigh. Oh c'mon! It's a bloody heart, with a knife through it. That's not proof of me being what he says I am!

You're not allowed to be angry at me, but it's how you're dressed.

A simple apron and lingerie. Mars couldn't decide if she wanted a whorehouse or a coffeehouse. If anybody's the whore in this house, it's definitely me. And! That's how to explain my last relationship!


"Pfff... Are you single by any chance?" I must've drunk something funny, I don't know why I asked that or called him a dilf. Though, I might not be wrong. He didn't try to defend what I said unless that's just him being a bigger person and is letting me live my little fantasies.

Repeat that? Oh, he didn't hear it. "I asked are you in a relationship?" I don't sound like a slut now. Mindreader...

"Uh, so... That a yes or a no?" He shakes his head before taking another sip from his glass. I can't get over the fact that I'm allergic to Moonroot. It smells lovely, I guess I could risk turning violet purple to cure my itch. I popped out of my seat and scattered to the kitchen.

Moon tea... Not very many creatures in this realm understand the difficulty of making this drink. Moonroot acts like the overworld's ginger root. Only sour and spicy, they look smilier on the outside, but inside, Moon bleeds a black liquid. I would explain the process but I'm not up for that.

Just know, it's done and I'm back with Arkham. "Sorry for disappearing like that. You were going to answer something?" I drink from the glass. It's very smoky like I just ate my cigarette, I did have some minor coughs and grunts, those are gone now. I could be getting a different effect from the moonroot, there is not any milk or cream in mine. Shit, am I gonna turn purple again?

Great news for you, I'm single. I'm glad I learned to read lips. I nod. "Bien!" I wonder what does he do for fun? Would he have room for a hang-out? "I asked because. Well, you're really good-looking and-

Alright. Huh? "I didn't finish asking you, yet..." He's confident, too confident... You don't see it, do you? I tilt my head at him. "No, not at all."

I'm interested in you too. A first for me, sorry. "Ohhh, since your such a confident guy. You wanna guess again?" He's not even sweating or making any faces. How does he have such a straight face through all of this! I called him a dilf and I was practically hitting on him back there.

Let's hang out sometime, I would love to.

Is he really a human? "What kind of human are you?" I've met plenty. No psychic ones. He can only shrug, move his mouth, and look great while doing it. Dé javu is my guide for tonight. "I hate when that happens. Yours lasting for a long time. Mine's over in a second." What do I do now? I'm not anxious anymore, I already had a fun chat with this guy, and he likes me too.

"Please tell me you were nervous too?" I chew my lip. Not that much. Are you feeling alright now? "Dandy and you?" I think so? Nothing bad has happened and I don't look different. I'm good.

"Glad to hear it..."

Please request something...

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