Assembly Required

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Be wary of smut.
Living Room
4:09 PM
"It's simple. I just need to modify the port... Unscrew, be careful not to touch the tape with your bare gloves..." She was sweating bullets. Today, an entire year ago. Her game console broke.

Saw some issues with how it was charging. It was too slow, and sometimes the flicker wouldn't reply to it's connecter. Not that difficult, hold it differently. Maybe the cord is loose? The only time that annoying voice in her head said something helpful. "It's ass piece fell out! Claude, I can't do it anymore! I'll kill myself!" Over a video game. That was months ago...

Months Ago Today:

"The ass piece would be the battery and its panel slot, Six." That whole moment played in her head, she repeated everything from that juncture. I'm never writing comedy routines, I'm funny enough, yes. The woman was on the floor, hunched over a coffee table, on her knees, slowly rocking back and forth between breathless moments. She pulled at the frame of her now unscrewed device.

Quiet, slightly distracted, and motivated. "This is going to work." In front of her were two dismantled game boys. Of two different series. One was an IX and the other was a Lite. With two different ports for charging. One was larger and more wider than the other, that being the Lite. Another has been much smaller, and tighter, which is obviously the IX.

She eyed the motherboard of her IX device, using her left hand to pull away the sensitive tape away, as her right hand gently ran it's finger above the motherboard. "Fuck...!" The one-eyed mechanic cursed, pounding her fist onto the table. She almost wanted to cry about this. Almost, her gloves are too difficult to take off.

Not only is she capable of fucking up, one of her many many shady friends... Who owned a shop for lost, stolen, and locked electronics was busted recently. Six hasn't been this off edge ever since her other friend had their "tea" shop raided by the cops.

None of this felt right.

Six turned back to the couch, where her loving boyfriend sat. Reading a novel with his headphones in and a half-empty cup of honey chamomile tea at his side. He hadn't heard a single thing she said, good thing I guess? Six stayed quiet for a moment, taking in the silence and gap of ominous throat singing in the background. That's not really silence, Six... Sparrow laughed a bit. Pretty mean for a voice that's only in my head. "fuck off..." Six whispered, getting off the floor and gently throwing herself onto the couch, next to her boyfriend.

"Claude..." Her raspy voice cut through his music. He paused his song abruptly, plucking his earbuds. He looked at her. "Remember that idea you had?"

The idea. What idea? I don't he think... I never tested his memory. Is his memory that good? He got off the couch leaving behind his cold cup of tea. Six took the cup and slid it to the fridge in her socks. She hurried and poured him another cup for later, before putting it in the fridge and rushing back to the couch. She swung her legs back and forth, with a low hum playing in her head.

Shortly after what seemed to be only thirty seconds, Claude returned from upstairs. Holding a wooden box and spiked collar. "Woah!" She exclaimed, blushing at the sight of the collar. Not only was it spiky, but it also had a black bell on it. She admired the bell more than the collar itself. Something about it was pleasing to her.

"Fuck, you're letting me wear it?" The man sat next to his lover, holding the collar in his hands. She laid herself in his lap for a moment, just to admire the bell and its loveliness. He rose the collar over her head, looking off and groaning quietly. "...!" She tried reaching for it, over and over again. Six huffed. "Meanie... Just one little poke... I wanna hear the bell ring on my own accord." Claude surrendered the collar to her, just for one ring.

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