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We already know what the lovebirds look like, don't we? I'm not going to use so much detail on their apparel or hair.

*Demon- Coffee Shop, A.U. btw.*

Autumn Ranges - Lustful Coffee
11:34 PM

Mari paced around in her station. The joint was empty. It's never been this dead, not ever! She at least has two people who stop by every night. She made a mental list of reasons why she's not getting any action.

No customers, again... It doesn't surprise me, why we don't get any. A coffee house being run by a succubus isn't very appropriate. That being non-human, nor elvin, seen kindly in the eyes of the public, or decent. The coffee house idea was a dream of hers, sadly, she had to face the truth about her species, only being seen as a sexual being. She admits, her attire is pretty lewd, though it wasn't her idea. In a feud for power, she didn't win the fight for power over the shop.

Recalling an event involving her exposing attire, she shivers visibly. I made the mistake of taking out the trash in my uniform, which doesn't do a good job at hiding skin, I was called a whore, and the perp wanted me to do things to him.

Hmm... I take back what I said about nobody coming here, I'm not that ungrateful. I do have this one guy. He's very cute. Doesn't talk, or stare too much. I think he's a marksman, human too. Oh! I always remember his order. Moon Tea and an appleberry turnover.

Moon tea is a root we have down here in Autumn. It's great for cleaning, accidental murders, healing wounds, curing sicknesses, and sleep aid. Personally, I'm not a fan of the stuff. I'm highly allergic, but for the marksman, I'll turn violet for him.

Now, Mari... You know that's weird. Dial it down a few notches, maybe turn left, and splash yourself with some water too. She pinched the dolphin tattoo on her right shoulder to shut herself up.

Appleberry is pretty tasty, although the preparation can be funky. Appleberry is made up of multiple apples and one berry. The long strand of apples can be very very deadly alone, by terrible memory and poor advice. The fruit in this world is highly unusual, particularly apples, peppers, and bananas. Apples are nicknamed, Duke's. Depending on the color. I'm not going through the color wheel, just know. They're named after people who grew them and they have horrible side effects.

I baked a ton of turnovers, maybe the marksman would want some for the lonesome journey to his mysterious destination. He never stays for too long. He's written to me a few letters on that. He's a hitman and has a few bounties on his head from people who are in different realms. If I'm being real with myself, that's fucking hot. I mean! This is a very isolated shop, he can easily get away and I'm glad that I create a space for him.


The glass door chimed. Mari smiled wildly. "Greetings, Mr. Marksman... I have your- I should just get the glass eye..." She sighs loudly. A short dark green, blue-haired orc walked in. Marianne didn't bother to look at the customer, she had "his" order out and ready. Thinking fast, and sticking it back in the microwave to stay warm, she slumped over the counter. "Hiya, Mari! Are you free by any chance?" The short woman asks.

Mari shakes her head fast. "Nope. Freezing for cash." Her teeth clack. "What brings you here, Valarie?" I try to seem interested, being dismissive is very rude. Valarie hops into a seat at the counter. Marianne rolls her eye. "Looking for a party buddy! Tonight's brisk!"

"Brisk? Isn't that a ceremony for-/ No! That's a different one, this is a rave."

"Val, you know that I don't do raves." Not after the last time. "So, you got on stage topless and tried stage diving, people liked it. You liked it, forty million weirdos on the web enjoyed it too." She says jokingly. Mari sighed. "Look, I got this guy I'm waiting for. He comes around this time."

Valarie's eyes go wide. "A guy?" Mari nods. "Yes." Val chuckles. "A dude-dude?" Stop asking! I know where this is going and I refuse to encourage it! "Yes... A dude-dude..." she's not gonna let me breathe with this one.

"Is he simple or Dilfy?" What kind of question is that? Now that I think about it. "He does have a mature structure, and I don't think I've seen a 25-year-old handle a five o'clock shadow as good as him." Valarie claps her hands together. "Does this Adonis, have a friend?" She calls all my guy crushes "Adonis" is it from how I talk about them?

"He's a loner... Sorry." I apologize. Mari sat in her chair and pulled on the strings of her apron. Val groans. "Tiff makes you wear that? It's just an apron and lingerie, what's she gonna do if you burn yourself?"

"Blame me for it... I'm just a succubus, I should be having fun with it. Her words, not mine."

"I'll kick her ass if you want?" The bluenette giggles. Mari shakes her head. "Nah... I'm fine." I watch the glass door and swing my legs to feel cute. "When's your boy gonna come?"

"Uh... Might be a little longer, I could finish my ghost shift and catch up with you at the function, V."

"No, I need to see this guy. Your tastebuds have been screwy since middle school, I have to see them for myself now." Ugh!! "We'll be waiting a while, he's a busy man."

"I'm up for it!"

It's like three something... I'm gonna finish this as soon as I can.

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