Hunted - [Annabeth]

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Annabeth could hear the sounds of battle way before she and the others reached Leo.

Sounds of explosions and screams rang about here and there, prompting the Riders to hold on tighter to their mounts. Annabeth had told the Vikings that Percy and her would take care of this, and convinced Nico to stay behind with Astrid and Hiccup.

She offered the same to the redhead, but immediately denied. "That dude is trying to kill my friends. I'm going."

Jyharri and Annabeth hopped on the fierce-looking beast without any repercussions. When Percy's hand was about to touch her skin, however, the dragon gave a dangerous low growl that made the demigod falter his movements.

It took a while, but her Rider finally managed to get her to cool off, allowing the half-blood to jump on her back, and taking the three into the air.

Annabeth's heart hammered against her chest. As annoying and irritating as Leo Valdez could be, he was still one of her closest friends. He had gone through the worst in trying to get her and Percy out of Tartarus, working his butt off to steer the Argo II towards Greece.

If there was one Latino that did not deserve this, it was Leo.

High in the air, the nighttime mist dissipated so the trio could see several flashes of orange light flare up against the dark blue ambiance. The Rider up front pointed at the direction of it, "Down there, Blitzkrieg," he commanded, and landed shortly after.

As soon as they did though, the group jumped off her back and sprinted as fast as they could towards the scene. Annabeth's breathing quickened, her hands pulling aside twigs as she ran about.

They soon met an open area, trees circling around as if it were a space of utter importance. A figure stood near them as two others were in front of them, moving in all directions. Shortly after, the farthest silhouette illuminated into the body of an elfish boy, fire dancing in his hand as if it didn't effect him at all.

Branches snapped under their feet, causing the closest person to spin around and look at them in shock.

"He- He's crazy!" the mysterious human exclaimed, icy blue eyes wide. "He's trying to fireball Em!"

Although Annabeth didn't know who he was or who this Em person was, she did know one thing. As her eyes focused on the son of Hephaestus, she took on his appearance. The Leo she knew was laidback and never stood with an intimidating stance when near others. This stranger in front of them was nothing like the Latino; smirk indicating threat, body rigid as if angered, and eyes the color of yellow.

"Eidolon," the blonde half-blood replied.

Percy grunted beside her, "Gods, I hate those things."

As if they didn't have enough troubles already, the notorious Greek monsters had to do an appearance in the Viking world as well. Her eyes narrowed as she realized Leo had his full attention to what looked like a short girl, bow raised and arrow already in place to be shot.

"I won't hesitate to shoot you!" she spoke out loud. "You're messing with the wrong archer, uh, I forgot-what-your-name-was!"

She knew the bow wouldn't hurt Leo. Well, it would hurt Leo, but it certainly wouldn't kill the spirit possessing his body at the moment. All it would do was kill her friend, and simply annoy the Eidolon and make it look for another solid sentient being around it.

Her mind went back to when Jason and Percy were influenced by the spirits. Back then, the demigods didn't see a way to snap them out of their entranced states, even less so as the two teenagers engaged into a battle to the death. Ultimately, Piper managed to charmspeak his boyfriend's Eidolon into leaving his body, whilst Blackjack had knocked Percy out cold.

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