Prophecy - [Hiccup]

Start from the beginning

The one-legged man led the Rider from the construction area to where they had previously placed their tents. The Sun was grazing the faraway waters of the ocean as the sky darkened to lend the night its place in the atmosphere. Wildlife such as crickets and owls began to call out and alert nature that it was already time for the night to take place.

Fires blazed as nearby Vikings lightened up torches to prepare for dinnertime. Although Hiccup knew the Berkians missed their tradition of eating bundled up in the Great Hall, the other Leaders had decided to make their first dinner on the outside as a celebration of their newest home. Several men carried large black cauldrons with the help of Gronckles and Nightmares, while some brought vegetables and animal produce to some tables already established near the cooking stations. Terrible Terrors flitted about as they tried to get near the fresh food laying around, only to be smacked on their tiny heads by a very distressed Gothi.

Gobber suddenly shrieked out and jumped a few feet back. "Thor's beard, they come out of nowhere!"

Hiccup, somewhat frightened at his unexpected outburst, followed his line of sight to see a small creature, around the size of a large bowl of fruit, standing near the foot of a table, each eye observing a different direction, and its breathing erratic.

"You seriously need to stop thinking they're bad luck, Gobber," Hiccup said as he bumped the older Viking, who looked terrified upon looking at the small Hobgobbler, currently swiping its tongue across an opened eye.

The individual in question pointed his hands at the creature in panic. "Look at it! It's plannin' to kill me in the night, I'm sure of it!"

Hiccup rolled his eyes as he passed by the Viking, shaking his head when he heard Gobber screech again. He willed his legs to carry him fast through the lands, stopping outside a familiar tent.

"Astrid, I really hope-"

His words got stuck in his throat as he turned to look at the gathering inside the small pavilion. Astrid was there, along with Annabeth and Percy, whose faces read everything but good news. There was a table at the left side, which they cornered as they looked down at a piece of white paper with strange blue horizontal lines.

He stepped inside. "Uh, what's going on?"

The three of them exchanged glances, until his girlfriend spoke up. "Hiccup, we know why the demigods are here again."

Annabeth grabbed the piece of paper and showed it to him. Immediately, he saw the Berkian alphabet scribbled with mysterious black liquid on it, spelling out an out-of-place phrase.

Hiccup's eyebrows furrowed as he read through it. "Fire will burn without the hearth? What does that mean?"

"It's a goddess," Annabeth told him, "Hestia, to be more precise. We didn't come here just to see you guys again. Percy here's been having nightmares lately, and we saw these runes dancing around a fireplace back in our home. Somehow we knew all of this was connected."

The Chief turned to Percy, "What kind of nightmares?"

"Dragons dying," he replied with an undertone of discomfort. "And not just any kind of dragons. Night Furies. Four days ago, I dreamt of one that looked almost like Toothless. He said that they were all being killed," the sea-green-eyed teenager shuddered. "It was dark, man."

Annabeth then placed the paper down on the table. "I believe we were called here to find out who kidnapped Hestia. I think that was the little girl Astrid told me about. Greek goddesses have a tendency to appear younger than their divine form, so it is possible the same child you rescued in the forest was Hestia."

"But, how can you be sure?" the female Viking warrior asked. "Usually, a god looks... well, godly, right?"

Her calculating grey eyes spun to her. "You said she was hurt. Was she bleeding?"

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