Chapter 19 [Bet That Costs Life]

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"Hahaha dude, I uhm... uh..." Snare muttered as Dupe glared at him meaninglessly. "Nothing, we did nothing! By 'we' I mean Dupe and I... Okay fine, we- or I may have did one thing. Some kid really annoyed Dupe so I stabbed them... quickly... for them to not feel much pain... and... gave them some candies after...?"

I blinked slowly, my mouth almost going to touch the ground. "What the fuck? Y'ALL STABBED A CHILD!? WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!? GOSH, I CANT BELIEVE IT." I turned around and punched the first wall that caught my eyes. "Y'ALL MUST BE CRAZY! GO TO YOUR ROOM AND DON'T GET OUT OF THERE UNTIL YOU FULLY REALIZE WHAT KIND OF A BAD THING YOU'VE DONE." I held out my pointer finger and raised my voice. "AND I'M NOT TALKING TO ONLY SNARE AND DUPE, Y'ALL GO LOCK YOURSELVES IN YOUR ROOMS!"

I stopped myself to fix my attitude and happened to realise that Seek and Figure were also leaving with the others. "Hey!" I called out. "Where do y'all think you're going? I'm not done with y'all. Come here and explain everything y'all did, and don't even bother to lie because I can keep you here all night long until you admit."

"Chill," Seek scowled "what we did is not that much of a deal. Right, Figure?" He turned to the taller one, got the response he was waiting for and set his eye back on mines. "I'll explain everything, okay? Don't shout or something, you're making us go deaf." After I nodded he cleared his throat and crossed his arms as his eye unintentionally slid to the carpet under him. "Some bitch annoyed us so I gave them their lesson respectfully. We stole some clothes because they didn't accept our money. We ran away from some buff guys because they were scary." Seek mocked the last word he said.

"Fucking shit, I won't reply anymore. Go, do the same, lock yourselves in your rooms until you realize what you had done." I turned around and walked out of the room. The sounds of Seek and Figure whispering to each other could be heard even if I shut the door after getting out.

I began walking in the hallway as I covered my face with my right hand in regret. Wanting to kill myself for the stupid decision I made, I started repeating the same word frequently. 

"Stupid bitch ass idiots, stupid bitch ass idiots, stupid bitch a-"

My sentence was cut off by someone holding my left hand suddenly. I turned to my left and saw Glitch.

He had some puzzled look on his face. I couldn't solve what the smile and the slight frown on his face meant. "Hey, Guiding Light. You might want to see this." I set my eyes on his hand that covered mine and sighed.

"Then show it to me and be quick about it, I don't want to be bothered." I realised how rude I sounded and quickly tried mixing up some words to fix my sentence. "I'm sorry about my attitude, I've just been really annoyed by the entities lately. Please never mind it."

Glitch chuckled silently. "Heh, it's okay." He withdrew his hand off of mine and started walking. I followed him curiously. I felt myself growing more and more curious in every step we took. I realised that we were going to his room. He pushed open the door for me and held it open for me to enter. I got fascinated once again by how different his room looked from the others. This place didn't look like a 'bedroom' anymore, it looked more of an office with all these random sheets being hung on the walls and being sprinkled on the ground.

After I was finished examining his room for once again I turned my attention to him and saw that he was walking to his desk. He sat on the old-fashioned red couch and lifted his computer's cover up. I didn't walk up to him to see what he was doing, as I both wanted to give him privacy in case he needed it and as I was hesitating a lot.

"Come, take a look at this." Glitch called me over with his hand and I curiously did what he said. Standing next to him, I bent down a little to see the screen better. I ran my eyes over the things and saw an interesting file that Glitch was keeping on the other corner of the computer - away from all the other files. "Do you see it?" I nodded as I read the file name; "CL-I".

Hold My Hand [Seek x Figure]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon