First things first...

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Last night i had a random idea on getting him to give in to be my sub. He is too masculine to do it of his own free will. So i decided to nudge him in the right direction. I (with my infinite feminine wisdom) can clearly see the benefits of this new dynamic.

His stubborness will only get in the way if i tell him i will be dominating him, actually... now that i think about it he laughed when i said those exact words to him a few months ago. Silly boy thinks the only way to get someone to do your bidding is by physical force. Obviously it does help to have the physical prowess of a beutiful Michelangelo sculture. Unfortunatelly i do not have that so mental games here we come. I approached him yesterday and waited for him to finish what he was doing. When i had his attention i told him, i need you to focus on me right now. I could tell it caught him off gaurd but it was interesting to see his reaction. He sat down and gave me his full attention.

I proceeded to give him instruction as clearly as i could. I defined all parameters and gave him a due date and time as well. Once i was done with instructions i made sure he understood there would be reprocussions if he misbehaved or did not put in maximum effort. The dialog went something like this...

You will be my submissive, in order for you to be this you will need to see the value in it. You will go on reddit, research and listen to podcasts and then you will write an essay for me on the following topic. How i benefit from being your submissive.

You will write one entire page length and have it handed to me before 12 am tomorrow. If you are to have an attitude, or any other negative reactions/actions there will be consequences. If you are thinking about going down that route i must remind you i was born a brat and know exactly how to tame one. If your work pleases me you will be rewarded. Thank you for your attention.

Then i left.

My heart was thumping and i thought i was going to have a nervous breakdown but i kept my voice even, my eye contact deep and intense and let no space for interruptions.

Today, he sat down with earphones, i saw he had a spotify podcast playing and reddit was open in his tabs. Around 7pm he handed me his essay, he didnt say a word. Just placed it in front of me and left and it was the cutest thing i have ever seen. To see such a masculin man do as he is told sent a shiver down my spine. Maybe after all i was a dom before i even knew it and aiding him has only brought me to my true sexual identity.


His essay was interesting and basically exactly what i would have told him if i approached him with the idea and benefits all together. The nice thing is he did the research and wrote everything himself, which must mean he aggrees and understands the why. The fact that he did his homework without sass and actually did it right means he is keen for it. But now come the promise i made, afterall he did a great job.

Its been bugging me the whole night. I am very much new to this bdsm dynamic, so i have no idea what would be a reward sufficient enough for his good behaviour. Then my feminine devine intervened again, she suggested we take time for an uninterrupted one on one talk session. The topic ofcourse is what do we view as rewards. The things i like to be rewarded with differs very much from what he likes. Therefore we should spend time and discuss how we can better reward eachother suited to our needs. We are about to go for a lovely walk on the beach as the sun sets to have our reward talk. Then i shall decide which of his suggested ones will be my gift to him tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2023 ⏰

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