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Where to begin...

I am a 28 year old female newly married to a 29 year old male. We met on tinder and got married within 3 years of knowing one another. But thats a story for another day.

Early on in our relationship we spoke about what we had in mind for our future roles as partners in our relationship, and came to the conclusion that we want something in between traditional and egalitarian. Heres a quick breakdown:

Household chores and devided between us depending on what we like and ability to do them.

Both of us work about the same hours with exception to peak season, then the household duties fall to the non working one in support of the other.

Personal care taking is especially important to us and we push eachother to be better than yesterday. His personal, emotional, physical and sexual care is my top priority and vice versa.

We agreed on always dressing presentable in public, modest and respectful.

Respectful, in regards to handeling eachother and their belongings. We will never shout, physically fight or insult the other. When we react it will not be from a place of emotions but instead a place of love, care and understanding.

He will provide for us, lead our household and our future. He will open my doors for me, protect me and serve me in everyday life in any way he can to make my life easier. He will give me the freedom to grow, change and evolve in any direction i choose. As well as support me in whatever it is i choose.

I will take care of all his physical and emotional needs. I will create a safe space for him to be vulnerable, share his feeling and assist in any and all emotional growth possible. I will guide him and support him in all he does and in anyways he might grow and evolve.

This is just a quick breakdown of the discussion he had and the agreement we came to.

At that time we were not yet as evolved in our roles as we are now. He did express to me that since he is leader in hos career for others and in our relationship for us. He needs some sort of way to let go relax and just experience life without anything distracting him, without any discisions that needs to be made or calculations. His line of reasoning was that if there was some stress relief for all the pressure on him to lead, it would be beneficial to both of us. With experience i have realised that an easy way to eleveate stress from him is to suck him dry, or to ride him and with this an idea was formed. I was not yet ready to embody or fully recieve.

Lately we have had many stressors in our lives and as per our agreement all that stress lands on him as do the responsibility to solve which ever issues it id he id dealing with. While it is great not to worry about decisions or to do lists and paperwork i can see the effects it has on him. As his well being is my top priority i realised i must do something to better this, because if we dont find a way to deal with this productively then it will only grow and become a bigger problem later. He will build resentment and passive aggressive anger due to the imbalance in our relationship, just as i would if the roles were reversed. Yesterday I decided to start my journey as a dominatrix.

You are welcome to follow as we grow as a couple and take part in the ups and downs of this adventure.

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