A Caring Prince ❀

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"...What exactly was going on here?" asked the Crown Prince in a low voice.

"Your Highness, I can explainㅡ" General Hwang finally got to his feet.

"I would like to hear it," said the Crown Prince.

"Actually... The Crown Princess climbed up this tree." General Hwang started. "She just needed a getaway!ㅡ" he added with a laugh to cover her up.

Oh no, he is telling the truth! Mae-In thought anxiously.

"And then, the branch she was sitting on, broke. Am I right, Lady Yoon-Hee?" the Crown Prince asked, peering at Yoon-Hee.

"Huh? Ohㅡ Yes... Your Highness," Yoon-Hee said as she returned to her feet. Now, only Mae-In was not able to get back to her feet.

"Understood," the Crown Prince said as he made his way towards Mae-In who was sitting heavily on the ground. He knelt to reach Mae-In who in turn flinched and jumped back.

"General Hwang, I'm sorry but you shouldn't bring personal affairs into the Palace." the Crown Prince said, looking back at the couple. "Maybe she tried to spy on the both of you..." he turned to Mae-In again. She swallowed hard.

"We are extremely sorry, Your Highness," the flustered couple apologised before running away from the scene. Now it was only Mae-In and the Crown Prince in the scene. Together...

"Get up," the Crown Prince said, reaching out a hand for Mae-In. Hesitating several times, Mae-In grabbed his hand and got up to her feet with difficulty.
But to her greatest horror, she was unable to balance properly and was about to fall on the Crown Prince when he prevented her from doing so by grabbing her shoulders. Now, both of them were inches apart from each other.

Mae-In jumped back with her able leg and stumbled to stand. "You have hurt your ankle?" asked the Crown Prince, looking at her hurt leg. "Yes..." Mae-In said, slowly. "Well, if you allow me to check how bad it is, I will say you can come with me into my quarters. You might be aware of it but you are inside my territory again," the Crown Prince offered to help, making the last remark with a slight laugh. Mae-In had no other choice. Her ankle was already hurting badly and she was wondering whether she broke her other bones or not. "Alright..." Mae-In said finally, though she hesitated quite a lot.

As soon as she gave permission, the Crown Prince quickly muttered an apology before scooping Mae-In up in his arms. Mae-In was stunned. "Your Highnessㅡ" She was about to scream when the Crown Prince cut her off. "I would request you to not scream or punch your fists in the air."

Mae-In shut her eyes in utter embarrassment. Within seconds, they reached the Crown Prince's room. Mae-In hoped that no soul or body saw them like that because if they did, she would very much like the earth to crack open and swallow her or the vast sky to fall on her head.

The Crown Prince put her down on a divan and looked for something in his drawers. "I have heard of your mother's coming. Did she have any discussion regarding you?" he asked, rummaging through his drawer.

"Well... she came to check on me," said Mae-In, looking around the room.

"Did you tell her what happened that day?" asked the Crown Prince, as he unlocked a wooden box to check its contents.

"I didn't, but Tae-Sak did..." Mae-In mumbled, recalling her mother's reaction to her news of drowning.

The Crown Prince turned to her and made his way towards where she was sitting. "If you allow me to..." he said, reaching out to Mae-In's hurt ankle. Mae-In flinched as soon as the Crown Prince touched her.

Okay, calm down, it won't hurt.

The Crown Prince removed her shoes and socks and inspected her ankle.

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