chapter 20: I'll let them go

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Remembering the look on Zazi's eyes, she fear, katrina felt very happy. With Sebastian away no one can defend her father, maybe Anna.
She liked seeing zazi like that, helpless, so much that she decided that whipping her father shouldn't be enough.

If she won't get Sebastian to leave zazi then she  would get zazi to leave Sebastian.

No girl would be with the son of a man who killed her father. She wouldn't want such a bad connection. With that she knocked on Jacob's door that very evening.

"Jacob, its me Katrina."
"Do come in."
She found Jacob in deep thought in his study.

"I liked what you did there. Showed those slaves who is boss."

"I have been too lenient on
them. They have had it easy."

"I agree. They've had so much time. Enough to plan a revolution. That's why you have to be more tough!"

"What do you mean Katrina."

"You just whipped them and threw them in the well. First make someone keep guard so they don't try to sneak them water. You whipped them, they have wounds, but you saw their faces. They weren't even scared of you, they didn't even ask for mercy. Those wounds will heal and make them stronger and they come out with a better more secretive plan to take you out without you noticing.  There wounds will heal Jacob and they will tell the people they survived and those people will realize they are actually 'strong' and would keep planing the revolution. You want to create fear? Make sure you one tries to rebel ever? Kill them, in front of everyone tomorrow morning. That's the only way they'll fear you."

Just as she was done, the door knocked and a little voice said:
"Your evening tea master Jacob."

"Think about it!" Katrina said as she opened the door and walked away brushing shoulders with Binti.
Jacob noticed her eyelashes were wet like she had been crying. After placing the tea on the desk, she turned to jacob.

"Master Jacob.... I.."

"You lied to me Binti. I asked for all the names and you excluded two of them."

"You don't understand master Jacob. One of them was my father and the other was....."

"I asked for your loyalty. And you said you'd use this to prove it. If you were really loyal to me, why did you give me half an information? Your loyalty wasn't with me. Its was with your father. He was planing on destroying me and you protected him?"

"Please, try to understand....."

"No. I don't have to!" He  dismissed her.

"Well. Master Jacob can I ask you for one thing?"

"Let me hear it."

"Would you please let them go?" A tear fell down her cheek without her noticing.

"Let them go?"

"You've punished them. Everyone saw that. Please."

"Take off your clothes..."

The girl looked at him confused.

"Take off your clothes and please me and I'll let them go."

She slowly took off her dress and let it fall on the floor.

She walked towards him naked and he got up. He violently pushed her against the wall and pressed her there. He  then threw her on the floor then took her roughly as the girl tried to hide her pain. He had only one motive, to have his release inside her.

When he was done he got dressed and went to his desk and had his coffee.
Binti took her dress and quickly wore it.
"Will you let them go?" She asked as she got up.

"I'll let them go. In the morning."

"Thank you master Jacob." She finally smiled.
She then left. The guilt she was feeling would be a little less dense. Her father, her friend's father and 5 other fathers, husbands, brothers of someone, were in a dungeon beaten and close to death because of her big mouth.

'They won't be killed.' She walked home alone hopeful.

Zazi was sitting in the kitchen shaking as her mother hugged her. Anna just arrived from a walk with her mother. It didn't take long before she heard everything that happened. Knowing that that was zazi's father, she decided to talk to her mom to talk to Jacob. Her mum told her to talk to him together.
They waited to for him in her parents bedroom.

"Jacob, please. Let the 7 slaves go!"

"Yes father, you've proven your point. They are probably very scared of you and know you're in charge. Spare them father I beg you." They pleaded for almost five minutes

"That's what you too wanted to tell me?" Jacob asked looking at them.
"Okay, I have had a long day. Anna go to bed. I'll consider your request princess." Anna ran and hugged her father
"Thank you father!" With that she left.
But brenda wasn't that convinced.
"Are you going actually to spare them?"
"I'll consider it Brenda,"
"I hope you consider the right thing!" She said and went to change to her night gown.

Anna sat in her bed anxious. If he killed those slaves, things would go worse. She felt ondi would hate her for her father's sins. And she wasn't wrong to think that. And zazi, if her father died, would she still want to be her best friend? She only hoped they persuaded Jacob enough.

This was the first night without ngesa at home and they were so anxious and worried. Zazi secretly sneaked into her mum's bed and when her mom felt her, she pulled her closer. She held on to her mother all night. Constantly waking up from her sleep because of nightmares.

She wasn't alone. Knowing or not knowing, Luke, whipped the husband of Nderu. Her rapist whipped her husband.

She laid in the empty bed crying all night praying for her husband's life. If he died what would become of her? She couldn't even try to get his child because the child might end up white. The shame of a married woman carrying someone else's child.

Morning surely came and everyone was summoned to the field like the previous day.

Everyone was in tensed mood. Their leaders, strong men, their pillar, what would become of them?
As they got closer, they noticed seven poles with the men tied up there. The moment they saw this all hopes started shattering.

Katrina and betty held their umbrellas as they watched zazi, they had to see her face when it all happened.

Anna stood next to her father the moment she arrived and when she saw the men tied up she went to talk to him but he answered, "not now!" dismissing her before she even spoke. Her heart shaked.

She saw ondi his eyes were dark as he looked at those men on the poles. Zazi's eyes looked like she had just been crying.  Jacob then stepped forward.

"I have realized something. You are not afraid of me. I have been so nice to you recently that you have forgotten who I truly am. Today I will remind you. Today you will learn to fear and obey me without ever questioning or trying to go against me. Ranchers, shoot to kill!"

"Nooo!" Anna screamed as she ran to her father but had to stop and cover her ears as several gunshots were heard. She turned and saw the men loading the guns then shooting then loading then shooting. Then loading up then shooting.

They shot on their chests, some on their foreheads, they shot until they were sure they were dead.

The whole crowd let out a blood chilling scream. They were about to run forward when the ranchers suddenly pointed the guns at them

"Im a monster. I know!" Jacob said. "But I was I'll give you this whole day off to bury them. This is the last privilege you will ever get. As you bury them, remember who did this and who is in charge and tomorrow, don't try me again. I could have easily said the whole family dies, from their wives, children, even grandchildren. But I'm being nice. Don't take it for granted again!" With that he left with his ranchers.

Zazi stared at her father's face that looked relaxed and frozen, no emotions, no movement. She wished he couldn't blink or open his eyes, or twitch an eyebrow but nothing.

As everyone moved forward to get them from the pole. She couldn't move. She was frozen. Her mother was in no condition to help. Ondi saw this and walked to her. Without thinking her carried her in his arms back to her home, that was where her father's body was coming

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