chapter 12: first kiss

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During their washing, Sebastian was called and zazi was left alone. As she finished the last clothes, she felt some was watching her again. She quickly finished and left.
As she walked with the dry clothes to the house, she found her mum just arriving. Sebastian had told her to go check on ngesa some minutes ago and she just came back.
Everyone had found out what master Sebastian did and they were thankful. Even vigehi was given the four days off and now the remaining had to cover their other chores in the meantime. But they didn't complain. They were thankful. Zazi was assigned to vigehi's job which was taking care of Sebastian. .

"Drink this!" Mumbi gave some bitter herbs to her daughter.

"What's this?"
"So you wouldn't get sick. Binti, heres yours, your mother told me to make one for you too as you don't catch it from your dad!"

The moment the girls had a taste they almost puked.
"You drink all of it. Or you get the wooden spoon!" She warned.

Yeah right, no one was scared of you mumbi.
But they still drank all of it.
"Binti," binti's mum comes through the door.

"Did you have it?"

"Yes, mama zazi, gave me some."
"That's good, I don't want you getting sick too. Okay. I just came to check on that. Thanks Mumbi. Since we are leaving early today, can I come and pick you up from work so we can go home together?"
"Oh no mama. We have to do double chores here unlike you guys. We can't leave half the house dirty. I'll come home afterwards, you should stay with dad, he needs you more."

"She's right." Mumbi said." The ones having it easy are you farmers." They all laughed.
This was the forth day and Binti had to make up her mind if she was going to Jacob at sundown.


Sebastian walked home from work hoping to find zazi home. In the hallway, he ran into katrina.
"My love, why are you in such a hurry."
"Nothing, I'm just tired."
"Sebastian? What's wrong, you barely talk to me this days. Are we fighting?"  Without answering, he walked away.

Mumbi ironed the laundry and gave them out one by one. Zazi now was given all of Sebastian's, she walked into room nervous. They had so much tension from day one and now she was in his room. The room was empty so she started putting the clothes away

Suddenly she heard the door lock and Sebastian was in the room.
"Master Sebastian..."
"Please call me Sebastian!" He said as he walked towards her.
"Sebastian, I wanted to say thank you for what you did for my father and my people."
"I don't want that kind of thank you." He was now very close to her.
"What kind do you want?"

Without hesitation, he grabbed her lips into his and kissed her passionately. He held her waist. He didn't want to let go and just felt her. Katrina had had enough of being ignored. She tried to open the bedroom door to Sebastian's but it was locked. She tried again but it wouldn't open.

She tried to listen in.

"Master Sebastian, you kissed me."

"Call me Sebastian zazi, and really didn't you see it coming?"

"But... But... But why?"

"I wanted to for a long time, for 10 years."

"Sebastian, you have a fiancee."

"I'll fix that I promise. Because now I know you like me too."

"You'll fix it?" Not understanding what he meant

"Just trust me. And remember I said I'd free you and you'll never be a slave again"

"You remembered that?"

"Never forgotten. Cause I meant it."

He then kissed her again. This time even longer, but with less longing like he had, less intense. More gently.

"Sebastian, I have to put this clothes away then go home, my mum is waiting for me"

"You can go, I'll put it myself."


"Really zazi!"

Zazi went and unlocked the door she walked out and didn't notice katrina glaring at her the other direction.

Katrina get peeped and saw Sebastian putting the clothes away like he said he would

When Zazi and mumbi got home, the found ngesa laying on the couch.

"Papa, how are you feeling?"

"I'm much better."

"That's great my love." Mumbi said.

"I'm just confused. Zazi what were you doing today with Sebastian? And why did he ask for me first? You told him I was sick?"

"You are the reason everyone has a sick day?" Mumbi asked surprised. There really was something going on.

"What is going on zazi?"

"Nothing papa! Remember those books I have, when we were children, he gave it to me and helped me learn how to read. We were good friends when we were children before he left. I just told him alot of people were sick including  my dad and he thought it was a good idea to give everyone a sick day."

"Zazi, you can't be friends with whites."

"But dad, Anna..."

"Is your owner. You're her slave, nothing more. I don't want you to get hurt. I'm grateful for this days but you know we will have to pay for it later? There is nothing good that comes from these people. I want you to stay away from them. Okay?"

"Okay papa."

She left for her room. How could she stay away from she was already in love. She just got her first kiss ever.

"Don't be so hard on her." Mumbi said trying to calm her husband down

"Thats the only way to protect her." Ngesa said.

He saw how the two looked at each other. He is no child, he sensed what was going on. This never ended in happiness. Its better to stop it before it begins. Her daughter was beautiful, any race would admit that. But in a such a racist time, its only safe to marry your own.

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