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Elizabeth's Pov:
When we finally got to Italy we drove to a big castel with a clock, we step out of the car and all of us looked at the place, we looked at each other, and Carlisle walked in first, then the rest, i was the last with Jasper next to me.

That's when a woman woth red eyes and blonde hair came "Carlisle, it's a pleasure to see you again" she said slightly smiling at him "jane" Carlisle said nodding his head towards her, she looked around us and saw me, she held strong eye contact with me

"Follow me, Are would be pleased to see what you brought" she said as she looked away and started walking, we followed her, we we're walking towards an elevator.

We walked pass a receptionist woman "Good day" she said and i smiled at her "Does she know? " i looked over Jasper, but before he could answer, jane did "Yes"

We walked to the elevator to be greeted from two more vampiers with red eyes, males "Alec, Felix, we need to go to the master" said and they looked at us and nodded, we all walked in the elevator, it was a big elevator not gonna lie, when we stept in, Jane hit a button and the door closed

As the way up, there was slight jazz music, witch i started to dance at it a little bit,
Hey don't judge it's catchy
Then slowly Emmet started to follow, Rose would have hit him by now, but she's a little more behind, as me And Emmet we're dancing, Jane turned around, as she did we stopped

She raised an eyebrow at us, and me and Emmet tried not to giggle "What's so funny? " she asked, me and Emmet looked down and shook our heads "Nothing" we said and Jane turned back around

All the Cullens we're slightly smiling at the scene.

As we got to the end of our elevator tour, we stepped out and startex walking again, that's when Jane suddenly stopped and turned to a big door, she opened it, and right there, on throwns we're sitting, Aro, Caius and Marcus

As Aro saw us he stood up, smiling at us "Aa Cullens! What a pleasure" he said looking at all of us "Good to see you too Aro" said Carlisle, but Aro looked at me, and walked towards me, Jasper stept in front of me, Aro looked at him

"I just want a glance" he said smiling at him and Jasper nodded stepping away, i didn't get what he ment, but he came closer and grabbed my arm, and looked deep into my eyes

He suddenly let go, and smiled at me "well you are miraculous, and i can see the other human doing all the truble here" he said and everyone looked in agreement

"if you want to, we can end her life quickly" he said camly, all of us looked at him in a little shock, and he got our message " or maybe not" he said and smiled then he walked up to Alice, and she gave him her hand

Aro looked in deep thoughts, and looked at Alice "i see", then he looked at me and Jasper

" You two will be perfect " them he stared at me again "Perfection" he said and he walked away to his thrown

At this poing i was very confused, i looked at Edward and he gave that 'I told you so' face.

"okay you may go now, she is not a threath, and she treats them right" said Aro

We started walking away "i hope we see each other soon" he said and we walked out

When we we're out of the building i let out a deep breath "Wow those guys a creepy" i said stretching

We walked in the car "Wait we're going home now? " i asked and everyone nodded "Yup, we only came to see 'them'" said Edward, and Emmet looked at me "Aww, did little princess what to stayy? " he said childlike "Shut up Emmet" i said pushing him and leaned onto Jasper.

When we finally arrived home, obviously i went to the Cullens, everyone went hunting, and i stayed in Jasper's room, i was reading his journal, it was really interesting.

I was lost into reading when i felt someone slightly pushing my hair, i jumped of the bed and turned around and saw Jasper

"jesus, christ, Jasper!" I yelled and i breath out, and he just laughed 'typical'.

I sat back down on the bed next to him and he huged me "I'm sorry darlin' didn't mean to strudel you" he said kissing my head, and i picked up his journal again and started reading "you look really interested in my journal" he said "i am" i said as i continued reading, he layed his head on my shoulder, and closed him eyes

"You know that you can't sleep right" i asked and he opened his eyes giving me the 'no shit' look "I know, but your really soft, and fluffy like a pillow" he said laying down again, and i chuckled

Soon after Emmet came in "Come on live birds get up! " he said pulling the covers "Emmet get out" said Jasper as se snuggled more into me "Come onnnn" said Emmet pulling Jasper away from me "Noo" he said dramatically  , and i wanted to play along "Noo Jasper" i yelled, as Emmet walked to the door he grabbed the ends "You can't take me away from my love" he said

"Oh stop being so dramatic you two" Emmet said as he was pulling Jasper let go of the edges of the door, but soon after, the door breaks, Emmet and Jasper we're in shock, Emmet was still holding Jasper "Oh you two are so done! " Yelles Esme from downstairs, that's when Emmet dropped Jasper on the grown and ran away, i laughed so hard, Jasper quickly came to me, kissed me "I'll see you later my moon" he said as he ran out the balcony.

Esme came right in "Oh hey Ellie" she said going to the balcony "You two better fix that! " she yelled and turned to me and smiled "the food is ready honey" she said, i laughed as i followed her downstairs.

As i was sitting in the kicthen eating my food i looked at Esme "Esme? " i asked and she turned "Yes honey? " she asked "what do you do when someone breaks something?" i asked

"Well i never punish them, i love them so so much with all my heart, we, in the house, have this funny rule, we're when someone breaks something that's not theirs, i need to go to deep mom mode and yell at them" she laughed and i laughed too "It's like a game" she said smiling at me "Welp that's fun" i said as i looked at my glass, thinking what if i break it, looks like Edward read my mind, and Esme saw my face  and they said "Don't you dare" both of them said i chuckled and nodded "Fine" i said

After a couple of minutes i was in the living room with everyone expect for Carlisle,he was in his study, Emmet, and Jasper, i was wondering when they would get back "Don't worry they're probably hunting" Edward said "okay" i said and i went to Carlisles study "knock knock" i said opening the door "Come on in Ellie" he said and i came in

"is there something you need? " he asked politely "No i just want to hang out with the greatest second dad on the earth" i said smiling at him "If I'm not bothering" i asked, and he shook his head "Not at all, come here" he said pulling a chair next to him and i sat down "Do you want me to explain more about vampires and my life? " he asked and i excitedly nodded, and he smiled and startes talking more about vampires.

As he did he shut down his laptop and startes walking to the living room where i was at first, i was listening to everything he was talking about, then suddenly i stopped him "Wait" i said and he turned "Yes? " he asked "Do we still get our period? " i asked and Carlisle smiled and shook his head "No" he said

I looked at him "Can you turn me now" i said with no hesitation and everyone laughed at that, even Rose, and i saw that Emmet and Jasper we're back and of course they we're laughing too

Soon after he startes talking about his life, he mentioned how he was a little part in the Volturi "Wait those guys that we we're at yesterday? " i asked and he nodded "damn" i said as i lined back down next to Jasper and he chuckled "And that's about it, then after everyone came in they're time" he said and i nodded

We we're watching TV when the Phone rang, i look to see that it was Bella "Oh god" i didn't wanna answer so i left the phone and i got up "Imma head to bed" i said and everyone said they're 'good nights' , Jasper followed me, and i cuddled with him, he may be hard as stone, but he was still soft and comfortable.

Isabella's adopted sister and Jasper's mateWhere stories live. Discover now