7| Starting the Year Off with a Crash

Start from the beginning

The owl in question sat hooting merrily on a perch to the side of the tent in which they were residing, fluffing her feathers regally.

The Grangers had gone camping in the forest of Dean for the Summer holidays. It was refreshing to be away from the bustling crowds and overcrowded malls. 

Estella had awoke every morning to the chirping of birds and the dim rays of sunlight seeping serenely through the thin walls of the tent. The air was fresh here, and everything seemed so natural- so untouched. Estella would be sad to wave it goodbye.

 They were only staying here for another two days before departing back to the busy streets of London where she would be waking up to the shrill cry of her alarm clock instead and then back to Hogwarts for her second year.

"It's not the only letter I've sent Hermit," said Estella dismally, for she had been rather disappointed at his lack of response. "Are you telling me all of his letters got lost?"

"I"- she tried to find the right words - "Maybe he's just busy with his aunt and uncle. Maybe they've decided to be kinder to him this year."

Estella snorted. "Not likely. They sound horrendous."

"Estella!" Hermione chided. 

"It's the truth, Hermione and you know it- even Hagrid's written and we don't even know where Hogwarts is!"

Hermione sighed. "I know and I'm worried too but what can we do? Break into their house and abduct Harry? That's illegal, and not just in wizarding laws. I just hope Ron hasn't decided to do something stupid. I told him not to."

At this point, a voice called out from outside the tent. "You coming girls? These marshmallows are looking more and more tempting as we speak."

"Coming!" the girls chorused, then looked at each other.

Reluctantly, Estella pulled her heavy body out of the deep depths of her violet sleeping bag as the tent came into focus.

It was a dimly lit room that encompassed all the vital utilities a regular muggle tent would have; enough room to hold four sleeping bags.

After spending an entire year at Hogwarts, Estella had gotten used to the plentiful resources magic allowed her, where a simple flick of her wand could make a quill write and Madam Pomfrey was around every corner to bring you back to full health.

Estella didn't mind camping(she wasn't one to complain about things even if they did bother her) and really, the lack of proper utilities wasn't that bad! No, it was the bugs! Every time she climbed out of the tent she started feeling all itchy as if a thousand ants were parading up her legs.

As they made their way through the opening of the tent flap, a cool breeze caressed her cheek before fluttering away to bleed into the serene calm of the forest.

The Forest of Dean housed very young trees, unlike the Forbidden Forest at Hogwarts, which Hermione had often awoke from panting, the fading remnants of her time there blending into horrific nightmares that kept her awake so continually that Mr and Mrs Granger had indeed wondered if it was really safe to send their two girls there year-round.

"Are you sure there isn't a phone number we can call the school from?" Mrs Granger had asked worriedly as the family sat at the dinner table at tea time in the afternoon. "An emergency contact number perhaps?"

Estella shook her head and Hermione explained, "Technology doesn't work in Hogwarts- the magic and it can't cooperate. I read about it in-"

"Hogwarts: A History," Estella rolled her eyes teasingly.

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