M1SS1ØN 9: Bu̸st̶e̷r,̸ ̴Bl̸oodt̷hirs̵t̴,̷ ̶a̷n̵d̵ ̷Un̷v̸is̴it̶ed in Gensokyo

31 3 3

A/N: This Chapter is also referencing "Mystery Metal Swordsmen from the Outside World" by HeartlessUnfunnyKid, lol, also I will also take credits still.

Hydro runs with his friends when suddenly some Giant Sized Knights with large Lollipop weapons goes onto the bar and checking if everyone is okay... but... everyone was healed. Everyone was confused, and why are they curious? Because Hydro used the ability called "Regenerative", A  more powerful version of Heal belonging to the Bishop class. Hydro didn't know he did it, but he really did it. But he didn't even noticed.

God I am so sorry I started the fight, and I hope this works [sighs]
Dimensional Step!

Hydro used Dimensional Step. A spell that allows Hydro, and his friends to move instantaneously to a nearby location within sight.


Some Knights starts to run onto the Party-Rocking bar. Hydro didn't seem to notice he had those skills.

Spells Obtained!
Regenerative, a more powerful version of Heal belonging to the Bishop class. It was the that time you fought Yukari, Yukari didn't seem to give you powers...
A spell that allows you to move instantaneously to a nearby location within sight.
Skills Obtained!
A skill that belongs to the high-level job pope, it can revive and fully charge the target's life force, but if the body is too damaged or the person has already been dead for a long period of time, then it won't work.
A single-target skill that conjures holy light energy in the form of a sword slash to do cutting and holy damage to a target. Used Only for your Kurosinoki!

You've got those new Skills and Spells Hydro! Because you went to Gensokyo! After you and your friends ran, those people were healed, mysteriously healed.

So... I obtained any other new spells and skills?

Yes, Mr. Hydro. You will feel like you're in a videogame

Hydro... where did you get those... moves?

- Don't make them jealous... don't, make, them, jealous!
- I uhhhh... Hehe...  [scratches head, nervous laughter] I-- it's a long story.

Hydro... What are you?

Me? Well... it's still me. Guys, I'm no Berserker, I fought those guys in a light way

If you fought them in a light way... then why did you do it the hard way? And why are they healed? I'm so confused, even Renegades like us "are confused. Why do you really hate Renegades?

Guys... it's a long story.

We made a deal! Don't, hurt a Renegade!

Wait wait... he really did hurt the Renegade, but he healed the Renegade.

That's right. Hydro's moves were completely unique.

[sighs] I gotta go.

Hydro slashes an area using Dragon Blade, making a portal. As promised, he will come back to Gensokyo.

Multiversal Destruction/Metal Gear X3: The Final JudgementOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora