M1SS1ØN 1: Homophobical E̷̤̕ǹ̸͇c̷͕̈́o̸̺͝ú̵̠n̵̠͊ṭ̷̅e̴̩̐r̴͔̒

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HYDRO (Narrating)
Katie mistakenly took us to college because they think we are above 18, it includes my classmates. Well, probably... our teacher want us to get onto college, and yes, my classmates are smart... me? I don't know, I'm just an average suck up.
My classmates was in Dirk and Hannah's room, one of Katie's friends. And I'm probably onto Katie and Jade's room. Yes, they are lesbians, and took a date at each other. I probably thought than I want to go to the main world, but this world is just looks like my imagination.

A/N: This is a reference to Katie Mitchell x Jade book by Little_Rosario666, and Crying In A Bathroom Stall by NotesFromMars. That's one of TMvTM Fanfics lol :skull: I should rewrite it and make it more original. For the love of god please don't kill me.

Katie felt her cheeks get warm at the thought of Jade and I being a thing. She stared at the ceiling while laying on my bed, thinking if she should ask Jade out on a date. Then the door opened and a female voice said-

Katie, I'm home!

-in a joking manor. It was Jade, she said that because we are dorm mates.

Hey Jade!

Katie chuckled. She sat on her bed which was across from mine and took out her laptop. 'Shes so pretty' thought to herself staring at her. Luckily she didn't notice since she was looking at her laptop and drawing something. I stared at her for a good few minuets until we heard a knock on our door. Meanwhile, Hydro is playing Sonic Frontiers on Katie's Nintendo Switch, failing from Giganto.


I'll get it!

Katie opened the door to see Dirk and Hanna standing in the hall way.

Oh hey guys, what's up?

Jade asked now standing beside Katie.

You guys wanna come to the park with us? Hanna and I both need some new inspiration on a mini movie we are working on.

Dirk asked and Hanna nodded.

Yeah! That sounds fun!

Jade said with the smile Katie truly loved, Katie agreed as well and went to put her classic red sweater and written on converse on. Jade puts on a grey sweatshirt and some combat boots. Katie asked Hydro to come with them. Hydro puts on a speaker from his sister listening to "Devils Never Cry".

Hydro, wanna come with us?

A caption was inserted in one of Hydro's right eye, Hydro agreed on it while the music is playing.

Yeah? Why not?

Hydro and the others went outside to Katie and Jade's dorm, Hydro's classmates was talking to each other, and Hydro probably ignored it. The bell finally rang. Katie questioned Hydro.

Hydro, so uh, let me tell you something,

[removes headphones, adjusting his eyeglass] yeah?

Do you even know Math?

[nervous] Oh uhh... hehe... yeah no, I probably got Grades of 74 from my Math on Grade 7, I can't calculate, I can't even even multiply, add, or subtract properly the time I bought a snack.

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