Max. "Mom, I have to go. I need to tell him."

She hung up. It was a disaster. Maybe he didn't know. He could be too busy working. Her phone chimed. We need to talk. Where are you?

He had to know. Ignoring him wouldn't help. She responded. Nearby.

It took him awhile to respond. Tomorrow night I'm not on call. After my last surgery. It could be late.

I know you work long hours.

Are you going to tell me where you are or do I need a decoder ring?

Text when you leave the hospital. As much as she was dreading it, at least she would see the face she loved.

She walked out of her wing for a cup of tea. Stella reached out her hand from the recliner. She could walk with a cane and Shaun took her to her first physical therapy session. "Are you okay?"

"No. My mother told my stepfather who told his sister. Well, you get the story. I'm sure he knows."

"It's time." Sarah's kindness transcended her wealthy upbringing. It surprised Olivia when her nephew visited. He had been at Kurt's party and knew her grandmother.

"I wanted to tell him on my own terms. Now I'm sure he knows. He wants to meet tomorrow night."

"A date!" Sarah's face lit up.

"No, not a date. Hopefully, he won't hate me."

"Shock and hate are very different feelings that express themselves similarly."

Olivia chuckled. "Was your mother sweet like you or proper like my grandmother?"

"Proper. Jimmy pretends, but he's sweet in the middle."

Olivia stopped herself from giggling like a teen at a slumber party. Then she remembered Max. "Everyone will know where I am."

"You'll stay won't you?" Sarah asked.

"Until I find an apartment or a condo."

"Or move in with your baby daddy."

"Stella." Sarah chided with a smirk.

Everything was coming to a head. Max had to know about the baby. At least, she wouldn't have to say the words which kept getting stuck in the back of her throat. If life was a fairytale, he would confess his undying love and propose. Chances were great her baby would be born with the same status as her brother. She didn't care as long as Max was with her in the delivery room. That was a lie, she wanted the fairytale.

The following day, Olivia paced back and forth as the pasta boiled on the stove. Earlier Stella had stood next to her and taught her how to make homemade sauce. With the tomato and spices simmering, she could handle cooking the penne while Stella rested. Standing too long taxed her hip, although her mobility improved almost daily.

It could be hours before she heard from Max. Her thoughts were like a kid trying to master the Yo-Yo. One minute they scraped on the ground slack and the next they shot back up pinching her finger (or the tension in her head). She wanted an emergency so she could avoid it. Then she wanted to get it over with.

Sarah teased. "You'll wear out the floor."

She stopped. "A watched pot."

"Or clock. I understand, darling. When you are on my side of life..."

"You're still young."

"I didn't mean I'm elderly. I've just lived through a lot. There was a time, Shaun was devastated because her first marriage failed. She had a lot of dark days and even ran and hid back in Seattle, but the sun came out. It just happened to be named Joshua."

Had to Be You (Pub 6)Where stories live. Discover now