Episode 1: How it all began

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Running. He kept running. His lungs hurt. His feet were frostbitten from running barefoot in the three-inch high snow that blanketed the ground. The soft crunching of the flakes echoed with every step he took. His tattered and blood-soaked clothes did little to protect him from the biting cold that assaulted his body.

Eight-year-old Kuuga Fujimaru was a survivor of a sick and twisted experiment. To see if someone without aptitude for Holy Swords could wield the strongest holy Sword in existence, Excalibur. And, when none of the children were able, they decided to kill off all one hundred children and start over. Only three people escaped the facility alive. Him, his best friend, Isaiah, and his elder sister, Ritsuka.

It wouldn't be long before his legs gave in. He tripped and fell down a steep slope, the rocks beating and cutting his flesh as he tumbled down the twenty-foot incline. He laid in the snow, painting it crimson from the warm blood that flowed from his injuries. His eyes were dull and lifeless. His breathing ragged and quick.

Kuuga: This is... As far as I go... Isaiah... Big sis... I'm sorry...

???: HEY! I FOUND ONE!!!

Kuuga began to panic as he tried to stand up, but it was no use. His arms and legs wouldn't move no matter how much he struggled. They were mangled and broken from the tumble.

Kuuga: I can't let them take me back... Move... Come on! MOVE, DAMMIT!!!!!

???: Shhh... You're all right. I'm not going to hurt you.

The voice he heard was comforting. Motherly, even. His vision was blurred, but, he could make out a woman in combat gear and the golden cross that hung from the woman's neck. She held the boy close as she wrapped his cuts.

Woman: Let's get you away from here.

???: Griselda! Is everything okay?!

Those were the last words Kuuga heard before falling into unconsciousness. The woman known as Griselda scooped him up and carried him in her arms.

Griselda: He's unconscious... He's lost quite a bit of blood and most of his bones are broken... Father Vasco. Were there any others you could find?

Vasco: No, unfortunately. There was a spot where I could feel someone's life force, but, it disappeared before I could get to it. I fear a devil got to them...

Vasco Strada was an absolute unit of a man

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Vasco Strada was an absolute unit of a man. He was the commander of the Vatican's Exorcist Forces. A man in his late sixties who could make even JoJo characters jealous with how much muscle he had.

Griselda: Damn... Very well. I'll take this one back with me. We must hurry. Hypothermia could set in any second.

Vasco: Damn that Valper Galilei! Using children for his twisted experiments! I shall see him executed for this!

Griselda: I doubt the elders will approve. At most, they'll just excommunicate him and take his research without the Pope's approval.

The two exorcists fled the area with Kuuga in tow. Suddenly, a certain red-haired Princess of Ruin stepped out of the shadows, cursing her luck before teleporting away.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2023 ⏰

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