When Yong Min's stare did not budge from his direction, Herbert knew that he meant no threat and he too assented to the power Yong Min detained in himself. Like him, Yong Min would sacrifice anything in the world to protect his clan and all of his sworn siblings, including the people he had sworn to protect in this clan. They shared a similar goal which is to protect the survival of the kingdom and its people for trust and assurance withered over the time as future emerged.

"A promise it is," Herbert assured, meeting Wane's brown eyes calmly. "I will stand by Yueru's choice and statement. Assistance and possible alliances in time to come will be our request since our lands are exposed to potential foul enemies that lurked around. This will be the last time we are asking your clan for such a strong and risky favour. Return Yueru's memories and we will leave in peace."

Another round of chatter and whispers from the siblings indicated their ambivalent views. Herbert could only watch as Wane and Yong Min exchanged glances that resulted in a tiny assertion. Watching the siblings, he had to admit that Herbert had the ability to hear what they were whispering about, but ever since he set foot in this clan, he turned his hearing off. As a matter of fact, he took his sisters' teachings seriously.

If you find yourself in need of help from anyone, it is always best to turn off your abilities when necessary. You have abilities that vampires would burn or rot for, Herbert, but you must always remember that respect is earned by actions and heart, not by a title. A title is nothing without visible sincerity.

It did not take long for Mar Ke to step out of the perfect circle. The third youngest stepped out and stood tall behind Wane like a guardian. His long purple robe draped against his muscular figure, and the edge o the cloth sparkled under the generous pink light. Even the clouds seemed to cooperate as Herbert caught sight of Mar Ke's perfect jawline and veiny palms that gripped firmly onto an empty tiny bottle. He almost caught a glimpse of purple that flushed through his eyes.

"We thank you for the assurance and the understanding, but it is still our duty to undo what was done," Mar Ke explained, advancing his steps towards Yueru, studying the hybrid prince from head to toe before taking a glance at Herbert and proceeded in examining Yueru's features. "Your mother was quite the persistent one. That is one thing similar between you and her, little prince. I could remember the cold winter night clearly. She was begging us for help. Turning her away from our clan was supposedly the best choice, yet my brother taught me to be kind. Rhos always had an altruistic personality and when he saw your lifeless body, he demanded us to help you."

"He was too young to miss the sight of the revolving universe," Yun Ru spoke and continued. "Were his exact words."


"Story time's over," Yong Min intervened, running his black leathered palm against the back of his neck, trying to stifle a yawn that failed. "Spare him the upcoming narrative, Rhos. You are causing him headaches even before they visit, just like bees drown by the scent of just the honey itself. We will retrieve the child's memories, and perhaps an alliance can be formed when all the mess in Roa is cleared. Perhaps, we could send Nathaniel for a political union. Now, shall we proceed?"

Wane tilted his head as a sign, and Herbert watched the other siblings took a step backwards while Rhos sneered at Yong Min who cut his words off earlier. Rhos had abandoned his position to gesture for him and Yueru to advance further into the dome that split itself open with Mar Ke's command. Violet magic sparkled on the boy's palms. He lowered the dome as the sight of the red rose became apparent. The rose depreciated the beauty of all the roses Herbert had set his eyes on.

"An alliance with Roa does not sound risky to you?" Rhos whispered to Yong Min, left arm clinging onto the second eldest to gain his attention. "We were just attacked by demons a few months back, and now, we are offering potential foes closer steps into our home? Have you forgotten what happened with the dear old impotent dragon?"

Yong Min patted Rhos's palms, leaning close to his ears.

"It's unlikely to forget such matter, Rhos. As much as I have to agree with Wane that we should not put our trust easily towards outsiders, I do trust Nathaniel's views towards a kingdom and their ruler," said Yong Min confidently and his eyes met Herbert's for a split second before the elder paid full attention to Yueru, exchanging words of amenity. "Besides, I have met the child's mother and I believe both her and her son, including Herbert are worth a try. More alliances than enemies." 

Word Count: 1553 words 

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Word Count: 1553 words 

Cumulative Word Count: 3222 words

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