ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 20: 𝔒𝔣 𝔚𝔦𝔫𝔢 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔚𝔞𝔯𝔪𝔱𝔥

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Dallon did not know why his mother held him so tightly all the way back to Winterfell

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Dallon did not know why his mother held him so tightly all the way back to Winterfell. She had always been very affectionate but now she held him so tight the breath in his lungs fled him. She kept kissing the top of his head until it was nearly annoying to him. But he let her do it. He could not express how relieved he was to see his mother alive.

He would deny how much he cried and how he fell from the horse trying to embrace her faster.

Frynne did not know who had begged the Lord of Winterfell more to send a search party out for her lover. She also did not know who cried more trying to convince Lord Rickon Stark that Naerys had not just ran away on her own initiative. Frynne decided to take the embarrassment and ride on the back of Rickon's horse in their return to Winterfell.

Naerys knew the Lord would have many questions but as long as she had her child in her arms, she would answer anything he wanted. Frynne was stuck listening to the old man's war stories that made her eyes roll to the back of her head as she bummed along like she was paying attention.

The states they got on their return back to the castle made Naerys a bit uncomfortable. There were many whispers and many eyes piercing into them. Dallon cowered a bit at so many questioning eyes and gossipers. Naerys wished she could take her boy far from all of this. The gates to the Stark Castle opened and Naerys was grateful to be away from so many prying eyes for a few moments. The horses came to a stop and Naerys assisted Dallon as he slid from the horse.

He landed on his own two feet but did not stray far from his mother. Naerys placed her hand on his head and pushed his silver locks from his face. He looked more like his father than ever. Piercing eyes and a stern expression that showed he didn't want to show much emotion. Rickon helped Frynne down but did not stop his story of how he managed to one-handedly slay three men at once.

His story halted when he saw his dear wife leaning over the railing of the castle with their son tucked close to her skirts. "My valiant husband returns." Naerys knew there was malice behind those words. Her dark eyes darted between Naerys and Frynne. "Bring them inside." The Stark wife pushed herself from the rails and walked off. Left behind was her son who was around the same age as Dallon. He lifted his hand sheepishly and waved, to which Dallon returned the favor.

Naerys smiled at the interaction and placed a hand on Dallon's lower back at Rickon lead the way. The halls of the building were very damp and bleak. It was very different then the small family had grown used to. Waiting for them, was a small group of Bannerman and the Lady of the house. Tucked in her skirts was their son who seemed to grow excited at the sight of Dallon.

Naerys reached down and grabbed Dallon's hand. She was a mother first, and her instincts were on high alert. Rickon climbed the short stairs to his seat, ruffling his sons hair before he sat down. He huffed and beckoned his servant to pour him a tankard of wine before he spoke. "Are you harmed? We can see to it that our Maesters provide you with care."

Naerys forced a smile. "That will not be needed. Thank you for your hospitality, my lord." Naerys bowed her head and Rickon grunted.

"Your hair gives you away lass. Either you are the Princess or a Targaryen bastard." Rickon sat his sword, blade tip down into the ground and leaned against it. Naerys poked her tongue against her cheek and caught the smirk of Lady Stark. How cheeky.

"Aye, bastard is a harsh word but if that is what I am, I embrace it." Rickon cocked an eyebrow at Naery's response. He nodded in acknowledgment and looked to his wife. If looks could kill, Naerys and Frynne would have been sacrificed the moment they had arrived. "We do not wish to trouble you further. You have my upmost gratitude, but we must take our leave."

The Lady Stark cleared her throat and took a step forward. Frynne internally groaned and Naerys took a deep sigh. "What were you doing out in the woods, all alone? If my husband had not arrived, who knows what trouble you could've gotten in." Naerys knew a backhanded comment when she heard one. She lowered her head to the woman. She knew she could not tell the truth. Who knows what sort of trouble she could possibly cause for herself. Or worse, her loved ones.

"My dear brother told me of an herb that grows in the Wolfswood. My mother is very ill and I prayed the Gods would guide me to this plant so that I may save her." Gilliane, The Lady of the House, seemed taken aback by such an answer. Her hardened gaze softened just a bit. Frynne had to hold back her laugh at such a lie. Dallon seemed extremely confused as to why his mother had lied. She had always told him to tell the truth and that lying was not honorable.

Rickon chuckled and leaned his sword against his chair. "Your companion and son were very worried about you. As I am sure my own children would be if their mother went missing." His eyes fell upon Dallon. Dallon lifted his chin and puffed out his chest. He could not appear weak before Lord Stark again. The old man chuckled at such a display of confidence from the young man. He turned to his own son and beckoned him to make an introduction. "My son has not stopped talking about yours since he arrived. Introduce yourself, boy."

"My name is Cregan. I-it is nice to meet you...." Cregan was a soft spoken lad. That was rare for a Stark boy, thought Naerys. He had a messy mop of dark hair and stormy gray eyes. Dallon perked up at Cregan's introduction.

"I am Dallon. I like your boots." It was true that the Stark boy had shiny black boots that were lined in fur so his feet did not freeze. Naerys stroked Dallon's hair and smiled down at her son. Rickon leaned back in his seat and sipped his wine.

"Why do you not join us for dinner? Before you make your way back home. It will give the boys some time to mingle." Rickon raised a glass to Naerys. Frynne laid a hand against Naerys arm for reassurance.

"Oh no, we couldn't possibly-"

"Oh please mother!" Dallon whispered. His big eyes and crooked smile made Naerys heart ache. Dallon did not have the chance to be around many children his age. Naerys and Frynne tried to keep him fairly sheltered in fear of those who would come after him. Naerys looked down at her fingertips that had turned blue from the cold. She did not want to brace that weather any sooner than she had to.

The furs that Frynne had provided her were tucked up around her chilled ears and red cheeks. Dallon was nearly bouncing with excitement over the chance to play with another young boy. Naerys ruffled his hair and sighed.

"Alright. But I am going to need a lot of wine to warm my belly."

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