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Growing up in Dragonstone was rough on little Naerys

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Growing up in Dragonstone was rough on little Naerys. She did not get along with the servant girls daughters like she thought. They shunned her, made her feel as if she was less than nothing. She seemed to get along much nicer with the boys. They did not care that she was a bastard and that her mother was dead, they tossed her a sword and she trained right alongside them.

Her brother came to visit less and less. Once it was every week, then every month, and then she was lucky is he visited once every couple of months. She was blossoming into a young woman and she could not help but grow angry at Daemon.

She was getting prepared for the day when the doors to her moon bursted open. It was a few days shy of her 15th name day. Nearly a woman but she had not yet had her first blood yet. She often worried why every other girl around her had blossomed but not her. She did not have a woman besides the septa to ask such questions. She would be damned if she asked that old hag about anything related to such a thing.

"My lady, your brother has arrived!" The handmaiden quickly bowed and went on her way. Daemon always had all of the girls blushing and giggling. Naerys finished brushing out her hair and gazed at herself in the mirror. Her breast were beginning to grow and she was filling out in all of the right places. Her dark red gown was accented with black lace that scooped down into her neckline.

She touched her face next, right under her eyes. Daemon always told her that her best feature was her eyes. Naerys smiled as she thought of when Daemon brought her jewels that specifically matched her eyes. She fixed the part of her skirt that sprouted down her legs and went to see Daemon.

The wind was near strong enough to knock her off her feet. She could see Caraxes extended neck from over the castle walls. When he noticed her he gave the highest of chirps. Naerys lifted up the end of her dress and rushed down the stairs. She was elated to see the red beast.

"Caraxes! There's my special boy!" Caraxes leaned his head down and Naerys scratched the flesh around his head scales. The large dragon acted more like a needy puppy than a fire-breathing monster. "Where is Daemon, hm?"

"I see you are happier to see Caraxes than me." Daemon walked around the beast, removing his gloves. When his eye lay on Naerys it was very apparent she had grown. Her hair was neatly trimmed below her shoulders. Her hair held wild braid that kept her loose curls away from her cheeks.

She ran into his open arms and he picked her up from the ground. It was always a joyous time when he would return home. Daemon spun the young girl around a few times, listening to her squeals of delight until he placed her back on the ground.

"Happy Name Day, sister."

"It isn't for a couple of days. Did you forget already?"

"Do you take me for a fool?" Naerys stayed silent. "Do not answer that."

"You have been gone for four months, something must have kept you busy hm?" Daemon looked down to his satchel and then back up to her little sister.

"Well, obtaining your gift took much longer than I anticipated." He reached into his leather bag and pulled out the gift. Naerys eyes lit up in excitement. In Daemon's hands was a gorgeous amber dragon egg. Naerys looked to her brother for permission before she carefully took the egg in her hands. It was so warm to the touch that it nearly seared her flesh. She did not dare drop it however, flipping it around her hands to investigate the egg.

"It is gorgeous! Thank you!" Naerys tucked the egg in one arm and hugged her brother. Daemon kissed the top of her head and watched her Dawn over the dragon egg. "Where did you get it?"

"I found it in the Dragon Pit. I do not know who laid such a beauty but I do know it is unlike any color I've ever seen. It seemed perfect for you." Daemon cupped Naerys cheek and she laid her face into his palm. "I also had to attend to my bitch-wife, she has been whispering in Viserys ear that I've spent too much time away."

"You should not speak of Lady Rhea that way." Naerys did not have the best relationship with the woman. She had attended their wedding when she was a child and the way Rhea looked at her was full of jealousy. However, Naerys could not stand to hate her. She simply stayed out of her way until it came to Daemon.

Caraxes huffed in aggravation when the pats and scratches stopped. Naerys smiled and stroked his head one last time before presenting the egg to Caraxes. "Do you think it is a good one?" Caraxes gave the egg a sniff and made a pleasant click. "I will take that as a yes."

"Come. We must put it near flames." Daemon and his sister went to her quarters and she eagerly opened the cauldron near the mantle. She had begged the maester to give her an old couldron he was looking to be rid of. The old man was hesitant, saying Naerys should focus more on knitting and studying. He eventually gave in and Naerys had worked diligently to prepare the perfect room for her egg.

She gently placed the egg in the cauldron. It was filled with soft hay and blankets to cuddle the egg tightly. Usually a babe would provide the much needed warmth but the idea of cuddling with an egg that could hatch out a screaming baby dragon was not so pleasant anymore.

"You have been waiting for this, haven't you?" Daemon chuckled and took a seat near the fireplace. He stretched his fingers towards the fire, growing at the stuff muscles in his shoulders and neck. Naerys covered her dragon egg back up and moved to help Daemon strip of his jacket. He was nearly soaked to the bone and so stiff from his long ride.

"It has been the only thing I've asked for since I was a child." Naerys carefully placed her hands on Daemon's shoulders. She planted her thumbs near the crook of his shoulder blades and rubbed deeply to work out any muscles.

"Can you, tell me about the day you found me, Lēkia?" Daemon closed his eyes and sighed. This story was one of the only things that brought comfort to Naerys.

"I was on my way to...release some anger from my father when I found you by the castle doorstep. You were shaking and barely clothed. The only thing you held was your little dragon. I took one look at you and knew you were a Targaryen." Daemon leaned his head on the back of the chair and took a deep exhale. "Father was shocked. It was like he couldn't believe you were standing before him."

"Do you ever regret saving me?" It was a question that weighed heavy on Naerys mind. Daemon sat up and turned in his chair. He held out a hand to Naerys and she gently held it. His fingers and palm almost engulfed her entire hand.

"I have many regrets in my life. More than I can count. Finding you that day has never, and will never be one of them." Daemon smiled at his sister, kissing the back of her hand. Naerys leaned down and wrapped her brother in a warm embrace.

"I love you, Lēkia."

"I love you too." Daemon reached back and took his hair from its braid. Long white strands pooled down along his shoulders and Naerys laughed.

"Your hair will grow longer than mine at this rate." Naerys sat on Daemon's leg, pushing her fingers through his hair to free it of any knots. Daemon looked up to Naerys and did not flinch when she roughly pulled the knots out by force.

"I will be forced to cut it when I become Commander of the City Watch." Naerys stopped combing through his hair and furrowed her brows at him.

"So you will be gone for even longer then." Naerys shook her head and stood from his lap. Daemon grabbed her hand and kept the young girl in place.

"Listen, sweet one. I am free to come and go as I please. I will take care of us." Naerys knew there was no stopping her brother when it came to his goals. She pursed her lips and sighed before looking to Daemon again.

"Let us at least enjoy my dinner before we speak so heavily of the future."

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