ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 12: 𝔉𝔞𝔪𝔦𝔩𝔶 ℜ𝔢𝔲𝔫𝔦𝔬𝔫

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Naerys wrinkled her nose in disgust

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Naerys wrinkled her nose in disgust. This dress felt far too tight on her. She felt every breath being pushed from her lungs. She could not even bend over without wanting to scream in anger. She had not wanted to take the long dragon ride and be forced into a tight formal dress but here she was. Rhaenerya had luckily reserved a quaint room in the best Inn closest to the Red Keep. Naerys was forced to wear a garment around her hair, lest a passing guard notice the striking attributes of a Targaryen and alert the King.

A carriage had awaited the pair. It was one of the finest Naerys had ever seen. She almost felt inadequate to ride in such a vessel. Frynne grabbed her hand and commanded that she hurry, less they be late and draw even more attention to themselves.

Naerys had difficulty tearing her eyes from Frynne. She was dressed in a fine silk dress that draped her arms and dipped down into her lower back. The baby blue and gold drapes wrapped around her shoulders and into the crook of her arms. Gold jewelry accented her fingers and throat.

Frynne gave Naerys a comforting smile, reaching across and grabbing Naerys sweating palm in her own

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Frynne gave Naerys a comforting smile, reaching across and grabbing Naerys sweating palm in her own. Frynne was gorgeous and confident. The younger woman tried her best to learn from her. Naerys always believed if Frynne had been properly born into adorning royalty that ever Knight in the 7 Kingdoms would be fighting for her hand.

As if men were not fighting over her already.

Naerys herself was in one of the finest gowns she had ever worn. Frynne had specifically hired the finest seamstress in Dorne to craft both gowns. Naerys dress was silk as well but a sea of lace was fastened around her womb. Strips of silk curved around her breast and tied behind her neck. She had to fight Frynne to be able to at least wear a cloak so she could stay warm.

 She had to fight Frynne to be able to at least wear a cloak so she could stay warm

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The wagon stopped much too soon for Naerys liking. She looked her lover with wild, crazed eyes. She was scared and felt like a rabbit in a foot trap. Frynne did not release her hand even as they left the carriage. Fire crackled and people talked about as they were guided into the Royal Hall. Much had changed since Naerys had been here.

The tapestries, large and grand has changed. The halls felt a bit more hollow since she was older. Frynne was just mesmerized by how gorgeous everything was made to be. "Oh my, you grew up here?" Frynne questioned.

Naerys' eyes scanned the columns and tried to distinguish the nobles she might know. "For a little while. I could've been your sister by marriage." Frynne laughed behind her hand at the response.

"I do not think my  brother would not mind if we continued our-," Frynne made a quick check to make sure no one was looking. She reached around Naerys to place a quick slap on her buttocks. The younger woman yelped in surprise and her face turned a rose red. "-friendly affairs."

"Nothing is friendly about what you just did." Naerys harshly whispered between her teeth and was about to scold her lover further. However a tall, long haired man turned in his place in the greeting line and smiled at the two women. Naerys recognized the man from somewhere but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. His eyes scrutinized every inch of her body and the hairs on the back of her neck raised.

"Well hello there. I know a Targaryen when I see one!" He leaned down a bit and looked into Naerys eyes. She wanted to look away, the old her would have averted her gaze. That was the old, scared little girl. She was a woman now. She locked eyes with the man and did not falter until he stood straight again. "Perhaps a cousin. My apologies, my name is Jason Lannister."

"You give off the aura of a Lannister." Naerys spoke coldly. Jason cocked his head in confusion as he tried to figure out the meaning behind her words. Frynne decided now would be the best turn to interject.

"I believe it is your turn, Lord Lannister." Jason turned and saw it was indeed his turn to show respects to the bride to be. He bowed quickly and excused himself. Naerys herself had to take a deep breath. She could not get a clear view of her brother from behind Viserys but her eyes found Rhaenerya instead. The young woman instantly brightened up at the sight of her aunt. A few years had passed and Rhaenerya still had the same child-like features she possessed that morning in Dragonstone.

Naerys smiled back and gave a small laugh. Rhaenyra's eyes darted between her and Jason who was no doubt sad about the marriage. Rhaenerya rolled her eyes so only Naerys could see and the older woman laughed behind her hand.

Jason walked away, no doubt ashamed and embarrassed. This was it. Naerys would be facing her eldest brother for the first time in years. Would he still hate her? Would he have her head at his daughters wedding? Naerys felt her chest tighten but Frynne squeezed her hand and Naerys gained the courage.

Those four steps up to the King were the hardest step she's ever had to take. Then there he was. Viserys did not look lively and healthy like she had imagined. He was frail. He was losing her and shook a little when his eyes finally met his. Naerys forced the smallest smile she could and he did something she did not expect.

He smiled at her.

"You're okay." Viserys mumbled. He reached out his hand to the woman and Naerys just looked at his long and wiry fingers. She slowly lifted her hand into his and he grabbed it, his smile growing wider. "I owe you an apology. Rhanerya was not the only one to invite you here today."

Rhaenyra smiled to her father and rested a hand on his shoulder. "Father has talked about you often. But we knew you probably wouldn't come if the King himself requested your presence."

Naerys felt like crying. Had he truly worried for her safety? In the back of her mind she was angry at him for sending her away in the first place. But now in his older age she could see truly how he had softened. Frynne stood just behind her and bowed to Rhaenerya. Viserys noticed the other woman's presence and gestures towards her.

"Who is this young lady?" Naerys could not speak in the moment so Frynne made herself known.

"Frynne, your highness. I am a close friend to Lady N-" Naerys grabbed her hand and cut off the Dornish woman. If Viserys was trying to accept her then he would accept her for every thing she was.

"She is my partner. Rhaenyra invited us both." Frynne wanted to wring her neck. She did not need to be introduced as such. She did not think herself worthy enough to be the cause of the short reunions demise. Viserys laughed, out loud and Naerys closed her eyes and looked to the ground.

"Wonderful! Well you are quite welcome here, Lady Frynne." Naery's smiled and bowed to the King again. She felt...whole. She was not quite sure what had melted his cold demeanor but she would not ruin this moment. Naerys and Rhaenyra held hands for a second and Naerys said many thanks without uttering a word.

"Thank you, your highness. I believe congratulations are in order for the Heir of the 7 Kingdoms." Naerys winked to Rhaenyra. The doors in the back opened and the crowd scurried to their seats. "That must be my cue. We will speak later."

She was going to speak, to her family.

The ladies made their way to their seats. Naerys was thankful they were seated near the front and away from a majority of the crowd. She could still keep an eye on Rhaenyra. She turned to Frynne and shared a smile. Her heart felt full and she felt at peace for once.

There was only one person that could truly ruin this moment for her.

And he had just entered the room.

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