ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 18: 𝔜𝔬𝔲 𝔎𝔫𝔬𝔴 𝔐𝔢

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Naerys braved the cold wind for what felt like hours

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Naerys braved the cold wind for what felt like hours. She did not know the exact location of this strange messenger but she knew she must find them, and quickly. The tips of her fingers were starting to turn purple and she cursed herself for not wearing thicker gloves. Even her horse, a strong and sturdy breed, did not find the weather very fitting. She wished she could've rode her dragon over the forest.

She knew Ligthries would definitely draw unwanted attention. So much so he might be shot from the sky. The blistering wind pounded against her cheeks, turning the skin a bright red. Her stated was struggling against the high snow. She strained her neck out to try and keep pushing forward.

"Easy girl, we got this." Naerys encouraged the horse. She stroked the mates neck and leaned forward to try and beckon to the steed forward. In the distance, a low, chorus sound echoed throughout the white-out woods. Naerys sat straight up on her horse and scanned the area. All she could see was the pure white snow and sometimes the tiniest glimpse of tree bark.

Naerys could feel the hairs on her arms stand straigh and she dug her heal in the mares side. "Not much further. Git!" The horse jerked forward and continued on the treacherous journey. The noises in the distance faded but Naerys still felt some presence around her.

A sudden shadow darted before the steed. It was too fast for Naerys to make out what it was but the horse bucked up, front hooves rose high in the air. Naerys struggled to stay hooked to the saddle but the mare bucked twice, snow flying, and Naerys fell flat on her back into the soft snow. "Fuck!" She narrowly rolled to the side as the horse stumbled backwards, seconds from crushing her. Naerys scampered through the snow on her belly. Flashes of dark figures danced around her, scaring the horse to the point where Naerys was nearly stomped to death on multiple occasions.

Naerys tried to regain her footing but landing in the fresh snow had nearly froze her to her core. Her fingers were nearly frozen solid even through her thick gloves.the figures were crouched now. Baring white and yellow teeth at Naerys and the mare.

The horse was the riser and broke free from the circle, disappearing into the distance. Naerys knew there was no use in following after her. The shadows grew bigger and bigger until she could fully make out their monstrous figures.

She found herself cornered by the beast. They almost appeared to be wolves. Big, gnashing, drooling wolves nearly double the size of a normal wolf. Their eyes were blood red and the noises pouring from their mouths was unlike anything she had ever heard. She grabbed a fallen stick from the ground, grasping her side where her rib cage had taken the most damage.

"Back! Get back!" She shouted at the beasts. She swore she saw a grimacing smile from one before it lunched, snapping the thick branch in a single bite. She was forced to drop the bow broken weapon and tried putting distance between her and the pack.

The wolf that had destroyed her weapon shook its massive head. It turned its about to the sky and inhaled her scent. Naerys was shaking at this point. She was not so familiar with being outnumbered. She grabbed the short sword from her side and readied her stance. "I will not die here..."

Her teeth chattered as the beast now looked dead at her. This was not like any animal she had encountered before. These were much too intelligent. The pack leader even seemed to be trying to communicate with her. His eyes were narrowed and he closed his mouth, lips falling back over his canines.

Naerys thought she was going mad for sure. The beasts, almost as quickly as they had appeared, faded into thin air. She was left gasping, from fear or a punctured lung, she was unsure. She doubled over and gritted her teeth. "Dallon..."

Footsteps approached from behind and Naerys knew she could not fight in this condition. If the wolves had somehow managed to sneak up behind her she would surely be eaten. She squeezed her eyes shut and accepted her fate.

"I had been waiting for you." That voice. Naerys turned her head and behind her was a red cloaked figure. Long, pale fingers reached for the hood and pulled it back to reveal a face that seemed far too familiar to Naerys. However she could not even place a name with such a familiar feeling. She inhaled sharply through her nose and attempted to stand straight. A pained groan left her lips and a pair of hands were on her shoulders. "My ward was not meant to harm you. I apologize."

"Who are you?" Naerys questioned as the woman was quick to guide her through the thick snow that seemed to fall without pause. The woman chuckled. Her face was weathered but not a single wrinkle flawed her face it seemed. Her eyes were old and wise, a deep shade of brown that nearly appeared to be black. Her hair is what caught Naerys attention. It was auburn, a fiery red that pooled around her neck and rosy cheeks.

"You know me, almost as well as I know you

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"You know me, almost as well as I know you." That was not an answer in Naerys eyes. The woman led an injured Naerys to a hidden cottage tucked away in thick tree branches. Naerys felt relieved when she pushed open the door decorated in vines and warmth rushed over her.

"I do not accept her from strangers."

"Well, it is a good thing we are not strangers then." Her clothes were stripped from her. The heat had almost melted all the snow to the point she was drenched. She was led to a ragged chair that felt like it would buckle under her at any moment. A warm blanket was wrapped around her shoulders and Naerys nose burned from the change in temperature.

The woman knelt before her, lifting Naerys arm to reveal the discolored skin of her ribs. "That was a nasty fall." The woman rubbed a salve over the skin that almost immediately heated up upon contact. Naerys panted and her toes curled. It felt like the balm was penetrating her flesh. A crushed herb in a cup was presented to her by the red headed lass.

"Drink. It will numb the pain." Naerys kip curled in disgust. "Drink." The woman ordered again. Naerys took the heated cup between her hand and stared at the woman while she slowly dipped the herbal tea. She coughed from the bitter taste and stuck her tongue out.

"Is this piss?"

"No, but urine might taste better." The woman joked. She dressed Naerys wounds, wrapping a tight bandage against her broken ribs. "These will heal in their own but you need rest."

"I do not know what magic you possess but I need to find my mother." Naerys spoke with a firm voice. The woman chuckled and patted the bandage around Naerys midsection. Her eyes did not lift to look at Naerys until she spoke those words.

"Your mother? What do you know about her?" Naerys was confused by such a response. "There are no others that live in these woods." The woman hummed to herself and beckoned Naerys to finish her drink.

"She gave me up as a young one. My son is a bit older than the age she abandoned me and I wish to collect answers." Naerys finished off the horrid tasting tea and gasped for air. "Shit..."

"Did you ever think, that possibly, I did so to protect you?" The woman whispered beneath her breath while she stoked the fire. Naerys froze and blinked multiple times, perhaps she was hearing things. She wrapped the blanket around her bare breast and asked the woman to repeat herself. "I never wished to leave you. The spirits they...they wanted you."


"I did not raise a fool, Naerys..."

"You did not raise me at all!"

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