Chapter XIV

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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐬 were hard to navigate through, the trees were blocking the only form of visible light. Despite the fact that only a sliver of the moonlight was seen every once in a while, Gon persisted. The first place he planned on checking was Killua's treehouse. Taking a hold of the ladder, he hurriedly made his way up. He was defeated when he found no one there, even so, he still looked around. He saw the same flower crown he had made for Killua withering away on a makeshift bedside table. His eyes softened as the memory came back almost instantly.

Gon relished the memory for a bit before snapping out of it. Why would he need to think about Killua when he could just find him? He descended down the ladder and rushed to the village, thinking that was the only other place he could be in. Even as he ran through the woods, the dark couldn't hide away the beautiful lanterns lighting up the town, leaving it shining as bright as the star atop a Christmas tree.

Reaching the town, he felt as if a heavy weight had been lifted up from his shoulders, his worries left the moment he could see his surroundings in color. The town was calm and quiet, aside from the faint music you could hear from nearby shops. Gon walked along the pavement, his shoes kicking the small pebbles on the floor unconsciously. His eyes were admiring all the buildings, alike and different. Unbeknownst to him, Killua had just finished helping out Kurapika and was exiting the bakery with him. As the pair walked while chatting, Kurapika suddenly came to a stop, this caused Killua to give him a puzzled look. "Kurapika? What's wrong?"

"Look behind you," he said with a small smile. Killua did as instructed and he felt his body go limp. Gon, who heard voices, turned to the direction it came from. The two made eye contact and the world felt as if it slowed down.

Gon was the first to take action, he approached Killua at an unexplainable speed and ran into his arms. Killua immediately hugged back and lifted him in the air, twirling him around as the two laughed happily. "I can't believe you're here! Like REALLY here! Am I dreaming?" Killua asked, still in disbelief Gon was in his arms again.

"Of course not! I'm really here," Gon stated firmly, wrapping his arms around Killua so tight like it was the last he would ever see him. Killua set him down and intertwined his fingers with his, going beside him and enjoying Gon's presence.

"This is a really cute sight but I'm still here," Kurapika spoke up, aweing at the sight but awkwardly standing. The boys apologized but Kurapika dismissed them, saying he was just joking. "Nice to see you again Gon, wanna come in? Leorio will be joining us later." Gon nodded and the three walked back into the bakery, the two still walking hand in hand.

Everyone sat down in one of the booths and chatted for a bit, exchanging stories and cracking some jokes. Kurapika grabbed some snacks and tea in case anyone was hungry or thirsty. A little while later he excused himself to go and check on Leorio, seeing if he needed any help. This resulted in the boys having some one-on-one time. Killua had an uncertain feeling looming in his body, he could no longer hold in a question he wanted answers to. "Gon?"

Gon's smile faltered, he could hear something in Killua's voice that worried him, "Yes?"

"What if...what if you get caught again by the queen being out without permission? Are you sure you'll be alright? How long will you stay? I mean, I don't want you to leave but I'm more concerned about the fact that you could get in deep trouble. What if I never see you again!? You're a prince and I'm basically a nobody, how can we stay together?"

There was a long pause before Gon said anything. Killua was patient and gave him some time to think, he knew this was a matter they both didn't want to discuss nor think about. "Killua, I know I may be from a line of descended royalty but that doesn't make any difference to me. I'm as much of a person as you are, no matter how much anyone tries to convince me I'm supposed to be superior, I'll never look at anyone differently. Especially you, I cherish you too much and I refuse to treat you as such. I don't care if I get in trouble again, being with you is all I've wanted. I've been trapped in that castle for all my life, I'm not giving up on the one person who makes me feel like I could have a choice."

Killua listened as Gon poured his heart out, he remembered every word. As he finished, Killua brought him into a hug. "Then let's stay like this for as long as we can, just me and you..."

♡ ᴍʏ ʟɪɢʜᴛ ♡Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ