Chapter XI

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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐲 had arrived, Killua couldn't get a wink of sleep that night as he was still thinking of a way to communicate with Gon. He had decided to take another visit to Kurapika for some help. Doing the same as yesterday, he snuck through the town to the bakery. When he entered the building, he was caught off guard by the amount of people inside. Killua also immediately lifted his hood over his head, trying to keep a low profile.

Awkwardly approaching the counter he whisper-yelled to Kurapika, trying to catch his attention. "Pssss...PSSSSSS, Kurapika!"

"Hm? Oh, hello random hooded person who somehow knows my name. How uh, how can I help you?" Killua rolled his eyes and slid his hoodie down slightly.

"It's me! Can I come to the back? Somewhere where there aren't people nearby? I have something important to ask you," He said quickly, not liking the stares he could feel.

"Oh! It's just you Killua, thank the heavens. Yeah, come to the back," Kurapika responded with a sigh, glad that he didn't have a stalker. Killua made his way under the counter and to the back, relaxing once he was out of everyone's sight. Kurapika joined him a little while later, after he confirmed he was not needed for the time being. "So, what do you need help with? I'm all ears."

"Sorry I randomly bargained but I still have no clue how to get in touch with Gon, my mind is blank. I was hoping you'd have an idea?"

"Have you thought of writing to him?" Killua thought for a moment after hearing what Kurapika had said.

"Y'know, that- I actually never thought of that, that's perfect! Thanks Kurapika! Erm, would you mind if I use some of your materials, I don't exactly have the items needed-"

"Everything you need is over at my desk. I'll be in the front if you need me, don't make a mess!" He responded playfully, leaving Killua alone in the back. Killua let out a chuckle before searching for everything he needed. 'Paper, pencil, envelope, sticker-' He stopped for a moment when he encountered an opened letter.

"Hm? What's this?" He knew he shouldn't have been snooping through Kurapika's stuff, but his curiosity was killing him. On the front he could see it was from Leorio, his eyes widened in surprise. Peeking at the paper inside, he could see it was a poem. Killua was still debating if he should read the entire thing but he thought otherwise, wanting to respect his friends' privacy. Carefully placing the letter in its rightful place, he sat back down at the table and began writing.

Once he finished and sealed the letter, he called out to Kurapika while peeking from the doorframe. "Yes, Killua?"

"Would..would you mind if you delivered the letter? I'm not exactly liked around here and if I were caught giving a letter to the prince everyone would freak out and-" He was cut off by the feeling of Kurapika ruffling his hair.

"Calm down silly, I am more than happy to deliver the letter. No need to worry so much," He chuckled.


Gon was looking at multiple papers at a time, glazing back and forth while taking notes. He was currently studying for an upcoming test he would have to take. His attention was diverted when he could hear the click of his door being unlocked and open. "Gon? May I come in?" Kite asked.

Gon smiled, "Yes, you may come in. What seems to be the problem?"

"Oh, it's nothing bad. You got a letter actually."

"Really? From who?"

"Surprisingly, the baker. That's none of my business though. Here you are," Kite promptly handed Gon the letter and exited his room. Gon was confused but nonetheless happy to have something from a friend. Rubbing his eyes, he sat back down at his desk and placed his reading glasses on before opening the letter. When he unfolded the paper inside, he went to see who it was from as it was a habit of his.

Gon could feel his heart skip a beat when he saw the all too familiar name. 'Killua!?' He thought, dumbfounded, 'I knew you'd find a way to reach me' He could feel a smile form on his face as he read the letter aloud to himself. "Dear Gon, as much as I'd love to come and visit you, we both know I can't. I apologize if I was the one that caused you to be trapped in your home. I miss you dearly and hope to talk more! Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure Leorio and Kurapika are a thing, isn't that crazy?! Anyways, how are you doing? What have you been doing all this time? Hope to hear from you soon! From yours truly, Killua."

After reading and re-reading the letter, Gon then grabbed an empty sheet of paper and started to write his response to Killua. Once he completed and folded the letter in an envelope, he then placed a small flower inside for...well, just for fun really. He got up and knocked on his door, hoping Kite was still there. "Kite? Could you deliver this letter to the baker please?"

Unlocking and opening the door, Kite grabbed the letter only to shut the door almost immediately and lock it. "Thanks," Gon muttered. Staring at the wooden floor, he clasped his hands together near his heart. "I hope to see you again, my dearest best friend..."


Meanwhile, Killua was chatting with Leorio in the bar, which had been closed for the day. Kurapika was there as well but went out to get something he needed. When he came back, he had a letter in his hands. "I'm pretty sure this is for you Killua," Kurapika stated, handing him the letter. Killua wasted no time and practically ripped open the letter impatiently. His smile only increased as he read aloud what Gon had written, to the two.

"Dearest Killua, I miss you so much as well!! If only I could get out of my room, I'm sort of grounded and it's getting pretty stuffy in here. I crave the outdoors; the wind, the grass, the air, I could go on and on. Not to mention I'd love to see you again! Oh yeah, I wanted to ask for a while, is your hair fluffy to the touch? It looks fluffy. Besides that, I'm doing pretty alright, studying is taking up most of my time, which is slowly killing me with its boringness! Also, before I forget, I told my mom I was growing bored so she hired a jester. Yeah, he's really creepy, he gives me the shivers. He asked me to sit on his lap so he could show me a magic trick?! Yup, no waaayyy! Glad I don't have to see him anymore, I'm pretty sure he got banned from the kingdom? This is getting pretty long so I'll stop here. Waiting for your reply! Love, Gon."

Killua couldn't contain how ecstatic and relieving it was knowing Gon was alright and still doing well. He saw the flower addition to the letter and caressed the petals gently, admiring it. "You really like him, huh?" Kurapika teased. Killua looked up with his face slowly turning red.

"What?! No way! Well I like him, but not like LIKE him-"

Leorio and Kurapika both looked at each other, a smirk present on both their faces, "Mhm, suurrree," they replied in sync.

"But Killua, aren't you sad you won't be able to see Gon for a while? Are you sure you can keep up with the letters?" Kurapika suddenly asked, worried about the issue at hand.

Killua shook his head, "As long as I know he's alright, I'll be just fine. Plus, we can always write to each oth-" His eyes suddenly widened with panic. "OH NO! I need to write back! Paper, paper, pencil...WHERE IS IT?!" he yelled while frantically running around everywhere. 

Kurapika leaned on Leorio's shoulder as he held his waist, the two holding each other lovingly as they watched in amusement with a small laugh here and there.

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