Chapter VI

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𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐞, Mito was pacing back and forth. The sun was going down and Gon had yet to arrive. Hearing the creaking of the door, Mito looked up to see the boy in question. She rushed over and cupped his face, searching for any harm done to the boy. Gon was out of breath but perfectly fine, this however didn't calm the anger inside of Mito. "Where in god's name were you?! Do you even know what time it is?!"

"Yes, I know I'm late. I'm sorr-"

"Sorry's not going to cut it. Where in the world were you that you couldn't come back at the time I asked?!"

"I was at my friend's place. I didn't want him to walk alone so I offered to walk with him. I didn't know how late it was until I saw the sun setting...I promise I'm not lying!" Gon explained, avoiding eye contact due to his shame.

"You know better than to lose track of time! What would've happened if you didn't come home?! Do you know the kinds of people who would take you away for money?! Who is this friend anyway?!"

"His name is Killua..." Mito paused for a second after hearing the name. She recalled hearing it numerous times from her people and the guards on perimeter duty. From what she could remember the words 'thief' and 'brat' were used to describe the person. Her face screamed disapproval as she went to look back at Gon.

"Gon, listen to me very carefully. I forbid you to have any more contact with that boy. He is nothing but trouble and is a bad influence, I won't allow you to have any further interactions with him. Am I clear?"

"Killua is not a bad influence! He's courageous, caring, thoughtf-"

"I don't want to hear another word from you, my decision is final. Now, head up to your room, clearly you took advantage of the freedom I gave you so I hereby strip your privilege to go out until I say otherwise."



"Yes mom..." Gon agreed with a disappointed tone, now making his way upstairs. Watching him ascend the upstairs, Mito then looked to Kite, the head knight. She quietly motioned him to come to her.

"Yes my lady?" He asked, bowing in respect.

"Keep an eye out for Gon. That boy doesn't give up so easily, I can guarantee he'll try to do something to meet that boy again. Don't let that happen, I'm placing my trust in you." Mito said sternly.

"You have my word my lady," Kite said, loyalty lacing his voice as he spoke. Meanwhile, as Gon ascended the stairs, his sadden expression changed into one of determination. As much as he loved his mom, sometimes he couldn't understand why she wouldn't trust nor hear him out. He honestly didn't know why everyone would judge someone whom they've never met so harshly. He would never intentionally disobey his mother but this was a different situation. Killua was his first friend and he refused to let him go so easily. Something was there when they first met—--it was like they clicked, like they were meant to be by each other's side.

"I love you mom but Killua is not any of those things you've heard of. I refuse to give up now." Gon said aloud in his room. 

As he walked in circles around his room, his eyes wandered towards the shining moonlight. Gon made his way to the window and quietly opened it. Outside was a perfect view of the full moon, Gon admired it in all its beauty. That was until he saw a shooting star pass by. "Don't worry Killua, I'll see you soon like I promised," he whispered to the night. 

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