Ch.10 "I have a lot of research to do"

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Tomorrow night we have a concert but tonight we have sort of a mini interview with Hot Topic for me and the boys. As we get ready, I do some breathing exercises to calm myself. I've done interviews before, but they all had to do with the fire. This is the first interview in years that I've done about something other than the fire.

"You ready for today?" Uncle Miles asks.

I look down at my leg. I had to stay off my feet for a few days to let the bruising go down.

Uncle Miles goes to the front of the bus.

"Alright guys. Remember that this interview will be for both Bad Omens and for Solitaire. Park they may have questions about the fire, if they do, just answering honestly. Due try to stay on the topic of your music though. They will try to get slightly personal with you. That's okay. If you freeze up, either look to me or divert the question to someone else" Uncle M says.

I nod as he opens the door. The boys get off the bus first and I follow behind. My prosthetic leg misses the second to last step and I fall forward. Noah turns around and catches me.

We stare into each other's eyes for a second.

But that second feels like an eternity.

"Parker" Uncle Miles says.

I snap out of it and stand up. Nicholas looks down as we head into the building.


God the more time I spend with her, the more I fall madly in love with her. I want to truly express how I feel about her, but it will fuck things up for this tour.

We sat down and handed mics to hook to our shirts. Our teleprompter and Miles get put in front of us. He's handed cards with questions on them. I look over at Parker who looks a little uncomfortable. I carefully slide a hand on top of hers. Enough to calm her nerves but not enough to be caught by the cameras.

The cameras flick on.

The first card asks.

"Hi Bad Omens Cult. I'm Noah Sebastian, lead singer of Bad Omens" I say.

"I'm Joakim Karlsson aka Jolly as everyone knows me as" Jolly says.

Parker smiles.

"I'm Nick Folio" Nick introduces.

"And I'm Nicholas Ruffilo" Nicholas says.

Then Miles flips another card instructing Parker to introduce herself.

"Hi everyone, I'm Parker Radley aka Solitaire" she says, softly.

I smile.

Next card asks about new music.

"So, we have recently finished our newest album and it's officially out for you guys to go and listen to. It's called THE DEATH OF PEACE OF MIND. We are very excited for you guys to hear it" I say.

Next card is for Parker, it reads what is it like to be famous for something other than the fire.

"So as most people know, I am the only survivor of the Radley House Fire. All my life I've been known as the only survivor. So being signed to Sumerian I feel has given me a newer purpose rather than a victim. I can put my voice and my music out there. I have a message for people, and I'm blessed that Miles has given me a way to do that" she explains.


It felt like the interview had gone on for forever. We are currently on the last two questions that Uncle Miles actually gets to voice out loud.

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