Ch.7 "I like you"

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Today we go on tour and I'm beyond excited for it. Last night went well. Noah was still weird, but I ignored it because I released my EP officially last night. Right now, I'm currently packing. We have to be at the label in about 2 hours for the tour bus. Our first two concerts are going to be about 20ish minutes away, but Uncle Miles wants us to have our first night on the tour bus.

My music has been blowing up since last night and I've been super excited about it.


I put my other leg, folded up into my bag. It's a good leg for when I want to go swimming, which I'm hoping to hit a few beaches while we are still in California. I turn to my closet to see my favorite dress. I smile and take it into my hands.

"I love that dress. You always wear it when you have a special event coming up" Uncle Miles says, standing in my doorway.

I smile and lay it on my bag.

"I thought I could wear it for my debut tonight when I open for the guys" I say, finishing up packing.

I stuff the dress in my bag and zip it up. I take my stuff and begin to head downstairs when I hear Uncle Miles on the phone in the kitchen.

"You need to be nicer to her. You're about to be on tour with her for almost a year. She's going through a lot of shit herself so please Noah just be fucking kinder to her" he says.

I look down and sigh. I finish descending the stairs and put my bag on the couch.

"You ready sweetie?" he asks.

I nod and he hangs up the phone.

No One

On the way to meet up with their manager at the record label, Noah thinks about what Miles said. He knows that he likes Parker but it's why he's been so mean to her. He doesn't wanna fall for her and inevitably hurt her in the long run.

"What's wrong man? You seem really down" Jolly asks while driving.

"I think I feel something for someone but I'm afraid to express it and hurt them" he told him from the passenger seat.

He smiles because he knows that Noah's talking about Parker.

"You know if you didn't act like an asshole, she'd probably like you back" Nicholas says, turning his guitar in the back seat.

Noah rolls his eyes. He'd never really felt like he'd been in a fight with any of his bandmates until now. He felt like he was fighting for her attention with Nicholas.

"I'm well aware of that. I act like a dick to distance myself from her. To avoid hurting the way that she hurt me" Noah snaps.

A while back there was an artist at the label who caught Noah's eye and they began seeing each other low key until he caught her cheating with her ex-boyfriend. It destroyed him because he was falling in love with her. He doesn't want to let himself fall for Parker just for the same thing to happen once again.

"Not after her" Noah says.

They boys go quiet because they watched him go through that.


When we finally pulled up to the label, we could see the bus out back. I could also see Parker jamming out next to it and Miles on the phone. I chuckle as we all get out of the car. We start walking towards the car when I hear Parker singing TDOPOM out loud.

She looks so gorgeous, and I just watch her dance. We all do.

"They're watching you Park" Miles says, looking down at his phone.

She turns around and blushes of embarrassment.

"Sorry y'all have to see that" she says, taking out her ear buds.

I chuckle and head over to the bus doors. As we all walk in, I see Parker's stuff on the last bunk.

"Hey, that's the bunk I normally have," I say.

She giggles.

"Mine now. First come first serve" she says, sticking her tongue out at me.

I roll my eyes and go to the second available top bunk and put my stuff on it. Everyone splits up and Parker comes over to me.

"Noah, can we talk?" she asks.

I nod and take her into the back room. I close the curtains behind me.

"What's up?" I ask.

She looks super nervous and begins playing with her fingers. I've noticed she does that when he's either nervous or anxious.

"Hey" I say, taking her hands in mine.

She looks into my eyes, and I finally get to really admire her beauty. I bring a hand up to caress her cheek.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

She takes a deep breath.

"I like you" she blurts out.

Why did my heart just stop?

"I think I've known that I like you for a while now but with how you've been treating me, I've been pushing my feelings aside because I'm afraid of it being one sided. I just wanted you to know before we went on this tour, and you continued to treat me like shit" she explains.

I don't even really know what to say.

"Say something" she says.

I swallow hard.


The curtain opens to reveal Nicholas and Miles standing there, causing me to drop her hands. I clear my throat.

"What's up?" I ask.

"We are going to do a run through of the songs we are doing tonight. If y'all wanna meet us in the main room" Nicholas says.

He leaves the room angrily as we both look at Miles.

"I'll be there in a minute Uncle M" Parker says.

He looks between us and smiles. He leaves the room once again leaving us once again alone.

"We should go" she says, starting to walk away.

I grab her hand and pull me back into me, instantly kissing her passionately. I hold her face tightly as I kiss her. We pull away and she looks at me shocked.

"I like you, Parker Radley. I have since the day we met I got hurt really badly about a year ago by another girl that used to be signed to the label and she cheated on me. I really was falling in love with her, and she used me for fame. I've been trying so hard not to fall for you to avoid hurting again but I hurt you in the process and I am so sorry Parker" I explained to her.

I kiss her forehead then leave the room leaving her confused.

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