Ch.5 "I Don't Hate You Parker"

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No One

It's a late night at the studio. Miles had taken Parker to work on her EP. She's really excited for her music to be out for everyone to hear.

Currently Miles is in his office working on some paperwork while Parker spends sometime in the studio by herself to help her focus. Unbeknownst to them, Noah has just walked in.

He hears her voice. Her beautiful angel of a voice echoing throughout the label. She's working on Angel in My Soul, one of his favorites. He slowly makes his way over to the studio to see her singing her heart out. He sits down on the couch and pulls out his journal.

He began working on a song about a week ago that he wants to sing with her, but he knows that she's hated him ever since that night at her house a few weeks ago. They only have a few more days before they leave for their tour.

The song begins to fade out as she hits a beautiful riff. Noah stands up and goes over to the mic. He clicks it causing her to jump.

"That was absolutely beautiful," he says.

She rolls her eyes and takes off the headphones. She makes her way out of the booth, and he notices she's wearing a Bad Omens hoodie with some sweatpants.

"What are you doing here Noah?" she snaps at him.

He knew he deserved it.

"I wanted to come work on Just Pretend and TDOPOM" he tells her.

She goes to sit on the couch so he can get his tracks up.

"Have at it" she says.

He sighs and plugs in his tracks. He makes his way into the booth, and she goes up to the panel. He puts the headphones on and gives her a thumbs up. She scoffs and plays the track. First up is TDOPOM.

She really likes this song. She couldn't explain why but it made her feel some type of way. He begins singing and she can't help but melt into the chair. He closes his eyes while he sings to really get a feel for it. He gets to the chorus and though she feels as if she'll regret it, she stands up and heads into the booth with him.

She grabs a headset as well to hear the music in. He looks at her with a soft smile as the chorus ends and the second verse begins. She begins singing and he can't help but stare at her with admiration. She closes her eyes to really get into the music. They both then sing the chorus together, both of them having their eyes closed to feel the music.

Unbeknownst to them, Miles walks into the studio to see them singing together. He smiles, seeing them finally working together. It's time for the bridge.

She begins singing the bridge and looks at him to see him smiling at her. He lets her take over as he softly slides his hand into hers. They both take over the chorus once again, staring into each other's eyes. Unable to break eye contact, the song slowly comes to an end. Miles walks out of the room once the track stops.

Both of them breathing heavy. He pulls her close to him and caresses her face with one hand.

"I don't hate you Parker," he tells her.

She can't focus on anything but his gorgeous brown eyes staring into hers. They find themselves leaning into each other. Their lips just inches away from one another.

"Is this a good idea?" she asks him.

"I don't know. But if it's wrong, that I don't wanna be right" he says.

He pulls her in tightly, their lips embracing. At first, it's sweet, until it deepens. She then realizes what she's doing and pulls away.

She then runs out of the room, confused and angry with herself. She didn't want to be falling for her, not after how he treats her. He knew this was going to complicate things, but he didn't care at the moment. He finally kissed her, and he loved it.

He felt happy while she felt scared. He loved the kiss as did she, but she was more scared of what it could mean.


Uncle Miles took me home finally and I couldn't bring myself to tell him about the kiss with Noah. I don't know how to feel. I hate him for how he treats me, but I really like him as a person.

I know that there is chemistry between us or else that kiss wouldn't have happened. But then why does he treat me the way he does?

Why be a dick whenever he sees me? Why hate on my music and what I'm at Sumerian to accomplish?

My phone dings, startling me. I look down and see a message from Noah.

Noah: I'm sorry.

That's it?

Just I'm sorry?

I'm so confused now...

I lay awake trying to make sense of what happened tonight. Nicholas texted me earlier asking if I was okay because I had stopped responding to him. I don't understand what any of this means. If it does mean anything. Or if it's supposed to mean anything.

I had my first kiss tonight. I've never had a boyfriend. I've never really truly had feelings for someone. I know a few people have liked me, but I never reciprocated those feelings. Until now?

Does Noah like me like that? Is that why he's such an asshole to me sometimes?

My phone dings and I look over at it and see Noah's name. I grab it and open it.

Noah: Are you okay? I know I probably complicated everything but I just wanna know that you're okay.

Me: What am I supposed to feel Noah? You've been such an asshole to me and acting like I'm something you scrape off of your shoe then you kiss me?

Noah: I'm conflicted about my own feelings right now.

Me: You think I'm not? I've never liked someone before.

Noah: I have, just never this strong. Like I said earlier Parker, I don't hate you. I chose not to like you to avoid exactly this. I didn't want to fall for you, and I think I broke my own promise.

Me: Well until you figure it out, I don't want to let myself fall for you only to get hurt.

I set my phone down and look at my leg leaning against the wall across from my bed.

I don't really remember my family. According to Uncle Miles, I had a brother and a sister. My mom and dad were both in show business. My mom was an actress, and my dad was a director. My younger sister was a ballet dancer, and my older brother was just about to graduate high school and go into the military. But unfortunately, I don't remember any of that.

I sit up and grab my arm crutches. I hobble my way downstairs to the kitchen. I see on the clock on the stove that it's 4 am. The candles Uncle Miles has are currently lit since we are in the middle of a storm.

It was calming and relaxing. I grab a drink and carefully make my way over to the couch. I lay the arm crutches against the end of the couch and grab my guitar out from underneath the coffee table.

I begin softly playing Angel in My Soul and I sing quietly, to not wake up my uncle.

Everything just seems to be falling apart and I'm afraid of where things are officially going to lead. Especially with this tour coming up.

But what could go wrong, right?

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