Ch.8 "Like I'm going to Vomit"

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Tonight is our first concert. The band practiced their songs, and I couldn't help but admire them. I love how they perform together. I'm absolutely terrified of performing in front of their fans to open for them.

As I finish getting ready, I look down at my leg and see the scars from the fire. Yesterday was one of the first night's I'd actually really looked at my leg. The amount of scarring I have on it. It's disgusting. It's almost like I was mutilated. I wish people understood that what I went through was extremely traumatic for me.

I hear the curtains ruffle and I wipe my face. Uncle Miles said that he'd ruffle the curtains to let me know it was him.

"Come in Uncle M" I say.

The curtain opened to reveal my uncle. He closes the curtain and comes to sit in front of me.

"How are you feeling?" he asks.

I chuckle nervously.

"Like I'm going to vomit" I tell him.

He chuckles as well and lays a hand softly on my full leg.

"You look beautiful, and you are going to be great. Tonight, people will know who the real Parker Radley is" he says.

I sigh and look down at my deformed leg. He takes my hand softly.

"This wasn't your fault, Park. You can't keep blaming yourself for the rest of your life" he says.

One thing I may have forgotten to mention, I was the cause of the fire. I was playing with a lighter that I'd found, and I accidently set some papers on fire. By the time anyone realized what was happening, the house was engulfed in flames. I'm not sure how I lived but I have blamed myself since the day it happened. I've hated my life since then. My uncle insists it wasn't my fault.

"I shouldn't have been playing with the lighter" I say, tears welling in my eyes.

He stands up and pulls me into him.

"You were 10, Parker, you didn't know any better. No one blamed you for that fire" he says, holding me tightly.

I begin to cry softly, crying off my eye makeup but I didn't care.


I heard what she said to him. She blames herself for her family's fire. But she was a little kid, surely, she has to understand that she really didn't know any better. I swallow hard and go into the main area with the guys.

"You okay bro?" Nick asks.

I shake my head.

"Just nervous. Like always" I say.

Nicholas knew something else was up. He gets up and pulls Noah into the bunk area.

"What's going on man?" he asks.

I sigh. I know Nicholas likes her, but I know that she likes me.

"Just conflicted about my feelings for her and I don't want to fuck up my friendship with you over it" I tell him.

He chuckles.

"Buddy. We were best friends before she joined the label, we will remain best friends no matter what. Yes, I like her but she 1. Will never go for me and 2. She likes you and it's very obvious to everyone. We just want you guys to be happy" he explains.

I smile and bro hug him right as Miles and Parker come out of the back area.

Nicholas and I both stare at her completely stunned by her beauty.

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