Ch.1 "Welcome to Sumerian Records"

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I keep staring at the clock. Anxious for my doctor to call me into his office. My uncle is on a call with the record label currently. I just scroll through my phone.

"Parker Radley," a nurse calls.

I smile and stand up. Uncle Miles ends his call as we both head in. They take me into a room to get my stuff since I have a prosthetic leg. Once everything was good, they told me that my doctor would be right in.

I can barely contain my excitement about this.

"Contain your excitement sweetie" Uncle Miles says.

"I'm trying. I could get signed to Sumerian today if they say I'm okay too. This is all I've ever wanted. I want to put my music out there. I wanna be the first Amputee artist to signed the label" I say excitedly.

He chuckles. The door opens and in walks Doctor Johnson.

"Well, if it isn't my favorite patient. How the hell are you, Parker?" he asks.

He hugs my uncle then sits at his desk.

"I'm doing really well. Physical therapy has been going really well. Pain management has been amazing. I'm not in the wheelchair much anymore if at all" I explain.

He smiles.

"I'm really glad to hear that. How's the new prosthetic working for you" he asks.

"Fits very well. It's not causing pain or bruising anymore like my other one was. Plus, I really like the pattern I was able to have my prositist put in. My liner is extremely comfortable and I'm not having horrendous phantom pain anymore. More of phantom itches" I say then chuckle.

He chuckles back.

"Your recent x-rays look good. Your skin grafts look really good. The scar over your eye is healed up nicely and not turning different colors. I'd like to say that you're good and cleared" he explains.

"You'd like to say?" Uncle Miles asks.

"I say that because you're still young. I know you've been wanting to get cleared so you can join the record label that Miles works for. As long as you aren't constantly on your feet, and you give yourself some time to rest your residual limb. Other than that, I can officially clear you" Doctor Johnson says.

I get super excited causing Uncle Miles to laugh.

"Thank you, Doc., It really means a lot to her. This has been her dream for so long" Uncle Miles says.

They shake hands and Doctor Johnson hugs me.

"Just make sure to keep coming in for your checkups and everything should be okay. As for staying off your feet when you don't need to be on them, I suggest getting some arm crutches or bringing your wheelchair around when you can" he says.

I nod. Doctor Johnson writes a prescription for the arm crutches then heads out of the room to get my checkout paperwork.

"Soooooo?" I ask.

"Let's get you signed to Sumerian Records" Uncle Miles says.


After hitting the pharmacy place to get me arm crutches, we headed for the record label. I'm beyond excited to sign finally and get started on my debut songs and EP. As we drive through downtown LA, I stare out at all the beautiful buildings.

I grew up in LA but had never really gotten to enjoy the beauty of it. The fire happened when I was 10. I used to be terrified to leave the house because I was afraid something bad would come after me. I was a nobody in high school. I had no friends. I was known as the freak with no leg and visible scars. I couldn't be homeschooled because Uncle Miles was always at work. Sometimes he was on Tour with his main band, and I'd be home alone for months. I know he did the best he could, and I still love him for it, but it was really hard growing up.

"And here we are" Uncle Miles says.

I grab my arm crutches out of the backseat then open my door. This isn't my first time using them but the old ones I have are from right after the fire, so I needed new ones anyway. He helps me out of the car and into the building.

Posters of several of my favorite bands such as Black Veil Brides, Poppy, and Sleeping with Sirens.

"Oh my god, did I die and go to heaven?" I ask.

He chuckles and takes me into his office. I've never actually been here before. Once again, I've always been afraid of leaving the house. Pretty sure my car is still collecting dust in the garage right now.

Uncle Miles goes over to a filing cabinet and pulls out an envelope. I sit down and he sits the packet down. He opens it and shows me the paperwork.

"This is a Sumerian Record contract. Since you are my niece, you will get some leeway. You will do interviews, concerts, different multi-concert events. You will open and close for different bands as well. You will be introduced to several different artists that you will get to perform with. You will go on tour with other bands and/or by yourself. Given your circumstances, once you finally debut and we can get you on tour, you will be touring with one of our bands. I do manage a few of the bands here so you could end up touring with any of them. My main band that I manage will be coming in tomorrow to work on their newest album in which, I'll bring you in to meet them. Once you sign this contract, you are with the record label for a long time. If you ever want out, though complicated, because you are my family, it'll be much easier to let you out of your contract. This is going to be mentally and physically taxing sweetie, I need you to understand this. I love you and I want you to be happy. If this is what makes you happy then so be it" he explains, going through each page.

I look at him and smile.

"I've wanted nothing more than to be a part of this record label Uncle M. I want this more than I've ever wanted anything in my life" I say.

He smiles and hands me a pen.

I opened the last page. I see the signature line then look up at him.

"I love you Park" he says.

I smile.

"I love you Uncle M" I say.

I then sign my name on that line, sealing the deal.

"Welcome to Sumerian Records."

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