Chapter 11: Goodbye

Start from the beginning

His face quickly went from worry to excited. "I am doing it!"

"You're doing great. Maybe when I come visit you can come too. Pa and I can teach you to ride and work cattle. But we will definitely have to get you different clothes."

Sam laughed a little then looked at me. "Think Mr. Smith would actually let us come back after what we did?"

"Oh yeah. Pa is strict but forgiving. He says that all kids make mistakes but it's the parents job to correct them. He tells us that it's the worst part of the job but once your punishment is over everything is forgiven."

"Ben's the same way. He hated that Dad would stay mad. He said it made him feel like he didn't love him at times. So Ben makes sure to let us know that he might still be disappointed in our choices but he still loves us. If he ever decides to have kids of his own he will be a great Dad because he already is." Sam smiled and looked back at me. "Reuben told me a little bit about what you have been through and Katherine I promise you won't go through that with us. Our brothers are very loving and nurturing."

"I am starting to see that." I smile and nod. "Now let's go grab some of the things in the tack room and get it loaded so we don't get in more trouble." I said heading towards the door with Sam behind me. We grabbed some stuff to carry as. The other four walked in to do the same. We all then made our way down to the trailer to see the two rental cars there. While we loaded the trailer with our items Pa came around and told us when we were done to come sit at the picnic table that was outside the trailer. Once we rounded the back to the side we saw Momma talking to Ben and Reuben.

"Shit Reubens here." I heard Wes mumble from behind me making me tense up.

As we walked I felt Sam's hand slide into mind. I looked up at him and he squeezed my hand. "It will be okay I am right here." He whispered.

"You six sit down." Pa ordered and we listened sitting down. "Not only did y'all snick out to a party but you two had drinks in your hands." Pa motioned to Sam and Jere. "You went swimming in a lake which is dangerous." He pointed to me. "What if someone ended up drowning there were so many kids there swimming and drinking that's not safe at all. I know my three know better and I am disappointed."

"Our three know better too." Ben said glaring at the boys. "I left you here thinking you could behave and then you do this. You owe Mr and Mrs Smith an apology before we leave for causing so much trouble."

"Okay we all have to hit the road soon so let's get this over with. Come on Jase let's go." Pa motion to the trailer and Jase stood up with a sigh as him, Pa and Momma walked in. We all sat there is silence as we heard Pa tare into Jase. The trailer didn't have thick walls and you could hear every smack. Pa must have been laying into him good because after about ten smacks we could hear Jason whaling. It seemed like it took forever for Jason and Pa to come out. Jason's face was red as tear were still falling from his face. He walk to us but stood by the table not wanting to sit.

Pa then took Jasmine wasting no time. Unlike Jason she squealed after about five making my brothers and myself tense up. Once the smacks stop ringing out of the trailer it took a while for them to come out. Jasmine was the more sensitive one of the group. She always took longer than Jason and I to calm down enough to come out.

Once they came out Ben stood up. "Okay boys let's go." He said as him Reuben and the three younger ones went into the trailer. I was in shock. Was he really going to do it with all of them in there? Pa aways separated us. Yes we could hear it and we all knew what was happening but only Momma would ever be on there. Don't get me wrong he would maybe send a warning swat in front of the others but always waited til he could get us alone to do the entire thing. The only time he did do it was one year when we couldn't stop fighting when we went to Florida. He pulled over the truck and went to town on all of our rear ends. One right after another in front of all of us. We stoped fighting after that.

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