Return to Life With The Creepypastas: 15 - Walmart

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Rake skidded to a halt and glared at me with his mouth dropped open, "H—Hairless rat! Listen you—gahhHH FORGET IT. Tim and the others request for you to show up in his room. Some sort of thing they want you to join in..."

"Oh. They've finally had enough of me, huh? Looks like I'm getting sacrificed..." I roll my shoulders uncaringly. "If that's the case then what a lucky day it is for us Creepypastas," Rake snarled before turning and crawling away from me. I smiled, "Aww. You didn't mean that lil buddy."

I watch as Rake left, chuckling to myself. Despite being the skinned turkey he is with his ass attitude, he still manages to come across like a cute little dog thing. I love all the dog things in this mansion.

I follow Rake as he leads the way to Masky's room, and I cautiously poke my head in. I see most of the mansions gays—I mean guys gathered around in there just talking.

I walk in while stretching and interrupt the ongoing banter, "Allllllllright lads, let's get this sacrifice thing over with, shall we?"

"Sacrifice? What are you talking about?" Liu questioned, glancing at me with a genuinely confused expression. "Can we sacrifice them?" Rake snarled, flexing his claws while glaring at me. "You sure talk a lot for something that can easily second as a gardening tool," I glare right back at him.

Masky walked up to me and crossed his arms, "Walker, do you even know why we've called you here?"

"Sacrifice was my best guess, Tim."

Masky shook his head while Glitchy Red popped up beside him with a big smile on his face, "We're having a guys night out! It's gonna be awesome!"

"Oh," I respond with a bit of disinterest. A long awkward ass moment of silence passed as it seemed the guys wanted me to express more enthusiasm about their plans but all I did was shove my hands in my pockets and stare at them.

After a while, I sighed and lazily cracked my neck, "So uh, Slender's basically kicking me out the mansion for a good sixty minutes so anything else you dudes need to say before I go or...?"

"Aren't you going join us Walker?" Toby asked, coming up behind me and strangling me playfully by the neck. "Wait, why're you getting kicked out of the mansion?" Laughing Jack tilted his head at me. "SlenderPin," I respond, flashing a pic of the slender images I've been plastering around the mansion. Everyone in the room "ahh"d as they knew exactly what I was doing.

"See, this is why you're my role-model," BEN chuckled, "if I only I had the guts to make Slender look stupid like that!"

"You already do, with you existence," Jeff muttered, "you don't think Slender regrets bringing you here every waking moment?"

"Vice-versa," I scoff at Jeff, "although I think he looks more stupid having brought you here than BEN."

A few chuckles arose from around the room and Jeff glared at me in silence. Masky rubbed his face in annoyance and groaned, "So...are we doing this thing or not? Kinda looking to get this night over with."

"Let's go already!" Kagekao shouted, "but...what exactly should we do?"


After spending a ridiculous amount of time trying to settle on a plan, we found ourselves standing outside of a Walmart. "Why are you people stupid?" I eventually blurted out after a heavy session of silence between the group of us that actually went.

"I do recall we were following Masky," EJ emphasized with a loud mutter. "Bet the bitchass just led us here to buy more cigarettes," Jeff leered. "Yes, let's blame me because you're all indecisive morons," Masky snapped, staring intensely in Jeff's direction.

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