Chapter 17: partnership

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- Timothy is leaving this morning, right? Giuliana asked.

- Yes, for a week, business meeting, I heard. Valentina answered, letting the cigarette burn at the corner of her lips.

- Do you want me to stay here this week? To keep you company? Proposed Giuliana.

- No, thanks, anyway, I don't risk being bored. I have to manage a shipment of heroin to Moscow. And then, how dare I deprive your dear husband of his wife. Valentina says with a smile.

- Well, but if you need me, do not hesitate! Retorted Giuliana by putting back her fur coat.

- I will not forget it! Exclaimed Valentina while getting up.

Giuliana and Finn left the house. They were now alone.

Fortunately, the telephone rang.

- good morning. Say Valentina.

- Hello, angel, how are you? Asked her father.

- I'm fine, and you?

- Likewise. Could you pass me, Tommy Shelby, please?

Valentina raised her royal blue eyes to Thomas and handed him the device, which he took without hesitation.

But how did he know he was there?

- Yes? Thomas said, lighting a cigarette


- Very well... With pleasure... Okay... Good day to you, Mr. Luciano.

Valentina had only snatches of conversation. She could not help but stare at him, his aura was almost supernatural.

She had to do something, to occupy herself. Not to think about him.Yet, it was as if it was impossible for her body to move. His charisma penetrated her and his expensive perfume gave her chills. Everything about him gave her the most inappropriate cravings. It was killing her to realize it.

His glance settled on her, god that she was beautiful, that she was perfect. It burned a little more love for her every second. She was bewitching, it was hallucinating.

They were there to look at each other in the white of the eyes, without saying anything. Only the arrival of Timothy in the room made her look away from the man she really loved.

- good morning dear. Said Valentina while rising to kiss her fiancé, as automatically.

To say that this gesture had irritated Thomas would be an understatement.

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