First of all it's all just for satisfaction, even the woman didn't satisfy her in all levels and only gave her a little ease in her pleasure and her satisfaction. 2nd that's stupid she'll get trapped in the game that she coached and she can't lose, and 3rd her family will really get more disappointed so No.

Sighing as she keep on looking at the woman when their cruise just passed by the woman and they finally arrive at the port that she owned she immediately go down at the cruise as her sister follows her.

"Hey! Where are you going?" The girl asks

"I don't know!" She retorted back and ride her car and speed off to the place where she saw the woman.

As she arrive she stare on its perfect back figure she look slim and sexy, and oh not to mention her flawless skin on its clear white shade, her purple hair it's just she can't say more words about the perfection of the girl.

She collected her cool and walk near the woman and sat beside her as she look at its perfect side profile and smile

"Hi" with that word of greetings the girl stood up to move away not minding her but her shock doubled and adding the pity because the girl was using a rod as a guide. "Y-you're blind?"


Pham Hanni is really enjoying the afternoon wind at every touch of the cool wind at her face her tears fall, why does this world had to be cruel? Like she's not worth it for some happiness...

She lose her eye sight why does she need to lose her parents too?. She became a good kid, responsible, smart and obedient why does world just have to be cruel at her?. Righ from the day her parents died and she lose her eye sight she can't find the light, her world is tinted with black and all shadows the world never gave pity for someone like her, but she will never ask for pity she hate it.

She's startled when a soft voice of a woman suddenly sounds in her ear and its scent is like some fresh flower and cherry...

"Hi?" Thats all it takes for her to panick she stood up even its hard to handle herself reaching for her rod and started to take steps away "y-you're blind" pity was evident at the woman's voice and she hate the way it sounds.

As much as it rude to see she choose to turn her back and walk away but then a strong grip at her arms make her stop.

"Let me go!" She scream the woman tightens her grip at her two arms.

"Im asking you a question." The girl said and it makes her think that the stranger is dumb "are you blind?" The most dumb question she heard not when it's obvious

"What do you think?" She asks in a rude tone

"Well you're blind..." The girl said then she tried to shove the grip away but the woman won't let go

"What else do you want!?" She angrily shout being annoyed by the stranger

"Name?, what is your name??" The woman was asking in a cool tone but it sounds dumb for a dump person like her

"I don't like talking to some sort of Arrogant dumb stranger so please fucking let me go!" She almost scream she heard the woman chuckle and suddenly pull her closer, cupped her face and mumble

"Arrogant? Dumb? That's too much insult for me Miss and i don't like it... So we'll see if you can still call me stranger once im done with my thing" the girl said and slam her lips to hers she froze....

Her first kiss was now taken by the stranger, not just a stranger but an arrogant stranger then when she felt a hand running down from her waist down to her ass she used all of her power and strength to push the woman away and even not sure she slap her.

AUTUMN/Bbangsaz (NJ FF SERIES 1)Where stories live. Discover now