The Secrets She Kept - Chapter 14

Start from the beginning

I ducked my head, my shoulders rising to my ears as if I could somehow disappear into the fabric of my checked shirt. Or just disappear completely. Could this get any more awkward?

After all, he was the reason I was here. It was because of him that I had finally renewed my phone plan and downloaded the dating apps in the first place.

My mouth however had a mind of its own. "Do you own this side of town? I didn't get the memo."

Would you just shut up, Rosie?

Instead of being offended, he chuckled. His head tilting back as he laughed. I ignored the warmth that rushed through me at the sound. I had done that. I had made him laugh. It had been a long time since I had made someone laugh like that.

"I didn't know you had it in you." He teased.

Unaware of my inner turmoil, his blue eyes twinkled in a way that could make a weaker willed woman swoon. My knees locked unconsciously, holding me steady under the full force of the full force of the smile that followed.

"Thank you, I guess." I replied before allowing silence to fall between us.

"Did you want to join us for a coffee?" Richie asked, pointing to a table on the far side where a beautiful woman sat waiting.

My mouth ran dry. My stomach churned and my cheeks grew warm. Of course he had a girlfriend. Why would he not?

The blush quickly drained away. God, did she know I had attempted to kiss her boyfriend?

A part of me hoped he hadn't kept the truth from her and the other part hoped he kept it a secret until his dying breath. I could live without the shame of anyone else knowing what an absolute idiot I had been.

"No, I can't. I'm actually meeting someone." I replied, glad to have a genuine excuse for once.

The expression on Richie's face almost felled me. Pity. He thought I was lying. It was written all over his face. And why wouldn't he believe that? It's not as if I had ever been forthcoming about my life outside of work. It's not as if I had much of a life outside of work at all.

He knew it. They all knew it.

Still, before I could say anything further and put my metaphorical foot in my mouth, the door to the café opened once more with a hearty jingle.

As a man stepped through, his t-shirt pulling tight over his muscular frame, I was both relieved to have my proof and disappointed.

The man glanced around, allowing me to take in everything about him. Shit.

My fingers clenched around my phone.

I didn't think people really did it. At least not to this extent. Clearly my date's photos were a little out of date. At least fifteen years out of date.

"My uh – friend – is here so I should go." I said, with more cheer than I felt. Sure, my date was in shape but there was no way he was my age.

Richie followed my gaze and raised his brows. If he had any opinions on my date, he didn't say them. Instead, he just turned back to me and offered a false smile. "No problem. If you change your mind, we're just over there."

I nodded my head and offered a smile. "Thanks for the offer."

My date was hovering just behind Richie now. He had to be in his late forties or early fifties. Definitely not thirty three like his profile described.

As he stepped around the younger man, it was clear he had lied about more than his age on his profile. Five foot eight? As if.

The entire situation would have been funny if Richie wasn't there, right by my side, and ready to witness my utter humiliation.

"Rosie?" My date asked, leaning forwards to brush a kiss against my cheek before I could respond.

The sudden invasion on my space had me backing up a step. I almost said no. I almost took Richie up on his offer of an escape. Almost.

But, it was because of him that I was even here. Anything to make work next week less awkward.
I also couldn't sit opposite his girlfriend knowing I had tried to kiss him - drunk or otherwise. It was an entire level of third wheeling I was not prepared to do.

"Shall we sit?" I said to my date before glancing up at Richie. "It was good catching up. I'll see you next week?"

His eyes darted between me and my date. He opened his mouth. Closed it. Then, after a moment, he gave only a nod. I took a seat, aware of his eyes lingering on me.

Yet, I didn't look at him again. Instead, I turned to face what was sure to be the most awkward date of my entire existence. What the hell have I done?

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