"Qui veut se battre ?"

Start from the beginning

We soon landed and everyone got out, I came out last. I immediately recognized Corentin, Mehmet and Justine, there was also a fourth man, he looked about the same age as Mehmet. He had wavy and very light blonde hair parted in the middle and styled beautifully, his eyes were contrasting by their dark colour but were complementing his face like no other colour would. He had a light charming smile and stood tall, at about 181cm/6'0.

Captain Price shook their hands and sent me a glare, I took it as my cue to speak to my old colleagues :

"Bonjour à vous, Corentin, Mehmet, Justine, et aussi à vous."
(Greetings to you, Corentin, Mehmet, Justine, but also to you)

Corentin spoke up, lightly chuckling and smiling to me :

"Nan, maintenant je me fais appeler Capitaine Monster et pas besoin d'être aussi formel."
(Nah, now I'm getting called Captain Monster and no need to be that formal.)

Justine spoke up too, but without a smile :

"Et moi c'est Pensée maintenant, Sergente Pensée."
(And I'm Pensée* now, Sergeant Pensée.)

A silence soon took place, quickly cut off by Mehmet who walked to me with a huge smile and hugged me as tightly as he could, we parted and he looked at me almost lovingly. He said :

"Je suis tellement content de te revoir mon frère."
(I'm so happy to see you again my brother.)

"Moi aussi. Tu n'as pas de nom de code ?"
(Me too. You don't have a code name ?)

"Non, j'aime mon prénom."
(No, I like my name.)

I then looked over the new, quite handsome, man, he smiled to me too and soon introduced himself :

"Pardonnez moi de ne pas m'être présenté plus tôt, je suis Théophile, plus connu sous le nom de Lieutenant Watch."
(Pardon me for not introducing myself earlier, I am Théophile, better known under the name of Lieutenant Watch.)

He shook my hand, a bit roughly but still quite gracefully.

"Enchanté, je suis Bullet."
(Enchanté**, I am Bullet)

"De même. Et je le sais, ils ont beaucoup parlé de vous."
(I feel the same. And I know it, they talked a lot about you.)

Captain Price loudly cleared his throat, certainly a sign to tell me to introduce them. I pointed to each and every other man on my side :

"Voici le Capitaine Price, Le Lieutenant Ghost, le Sergent Soap, le Sergent Gaz et enfin le soldat König."
(Here is the Captain Price, the Lieutenant Ghost, the Sergeant Soap, the Sergeant Gaz and finally the soldier/private König.)

Captain Monster, which is in my opinion quite a terrible name, gestured to us to go inside. We all followed him through corridors, at some point, he stopped i front of a door and opened it, it was the armory. In the center of the room was placed a round table, a few chairs and stools around it. On the walls were placed all the equipment, guns, ammunitions, tactical gear, etcetera... On a small part of a corner were stuck to the wall a few pictures, I recognized them from being taken a few years ago, when we were in the french military. I was in a few of them, often put next to my old colleagues. There was also a fun one where Mehmet was posing next to a tank and doing a silly face.

"Bullet, s'il te plaît."
(Bullet, please.)

Mehmet must have noticed that my attention was mostly on the pictures and brought me back to reality. I noticed everyone had sat down so I mimicked them. Captain Monster started his own monologue about the terrorists and how to counter them, of course I had to translate everything and make sure everyone understood.

~The Bullet Hole's Kiss~ ( König x Male Reader )Where stories live. Discover now