"Ce soir mon ami, tu connaîtrais le prix du sang, et de tes larmes."

567 14 16

I'm sorry for finishing this way too early. I haven't this chapter for a while, I don't even know if it's good or even makes sense anymore.

3rd person view :

The soldiers barely had time to rest before they were called for a new missions.

König and Bullet quickly entered the building which seemed to be near from falling off, probably because of explosions. They climbed the stairs carefully, just in case some enemies were in the way, though they found no one. The two men then started to walk into a corridor, their steps being muffled by the old carpets, they made their way in silence, which could have been perceived as awkward but was, in fact, a comfortable one. They both didn't have the gut to start a conversation, both knowing that the other had some concentration going on. König inspected each rooms, in search of a place with a good view from down the streets, in which they might be able to shoot some enemies. The giant of a man struggled a lot, not finding the one room that could be fitting his standard, he almost told Bullet to back off and just go back when he finally found the one he was searching for.

An average sized room, with one window facing north and two others facing east, both having a great view on the streets. The area barely had any furnitures left, just some dark wood chairs discarded around and a buffet sitting close to the door. König was about to tell Bullet to start sniping but had the grass cut below his feet when he found out the other man was already knees on the ground, scoping the area from one of the windows facing east, in front of the door. He then decided to go to the north facing window, a bit far from Bullet and started to scope the area.

A long time passed, both men being quiet. Nobody was walking down the streets, not an enemy, not a civil, heck not even a fly. König started to fidget with his fingers, finding it hard to stay in place, then remembering why they told him he "couldn't be a sniper" and silently decided to prove them wrong by forcing himself to stop fidgeting. This made him lose concentration for a bit, too much overthinking about his fidgeting and why he should stop.

Bullet, him, was not really paying attention anymore, he was just thinking about random things, like how he just noticed his shoes might be a little tight and also wondering if he could drink from a straw from the hole on his cheek, and then he started overthinking on how he has to make suction on the straw for the liquid to elevate itself and go to his mouth, meaning that he would have to close the gap around the straw because he can't close the hole from his cheek around the straw like lips would.

König, out of boredom, carefully turned around to check on Bullet, finding him staring into the void, obviously not paying attention. The older man noticed that when Bullet would be really concentrated, he would close his mouth, not letting a single smile go through and his eyes would go really wide, he would look dead honestly. When the others brought it to him, he just laughed it off saying he doesn't usually notices it.

"You're not paying attention, aren't you?"

Asked König in a barely audible tone, with a bit of bitterness and disappointment in it. Bullet got startled by it, not expecting any voice to be heard. He looked at the taller man, eyes wide, with a giggly smile painted on his face, he got caught and that made him laugh. König would find it okay in general but in this type of situation he got a bit upset by it, he just glared at Bullet, silently asking him to pay attention. This reminded him that he should also pay attention since he kept being distracted by the fact he wanted to stop fidgeting, he then felt bad, he even called himself an hypocrite in his own mind.

Bullet saw the look on the other man's face and decided that he really really should pay attention, seeing König be this "mad" at him left him with a pang in his heart, he didn't mean to offend him or upset him, he promised himself to apologize later, and to also apologize for the time he made him uncomfortable, and maybe also for the time he forgot to apologize. He had a lot of apologizing to do and he felt bad, König probably dislikes him now, and he doesn't want that to happen, that would be terrible, because he actually likes König, he wanted to hug him, he also wants to hug everyone anyways...

~The Bullet Hole's Kiss~ ( König x Male Reader )Where stories live. Discover now