II-murder family

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Blitzø: "I mean, was she hotter?"

Blitzø's casual and irreverent remark elicited a sharp response from Mrs. Mayberry, her eyes blazing with anger.

Mrs. Mayberry: "WHAT!?"

Blitzø, undeterred by her fury, attempted to clarify his comment, though his tone remained flippant.

Blitzø: "Sorry, it was hard to understand your sitcom of a death. But I don't think you know what we're operating with. We kill people that are alive, and it sounds like everyone that ruined your life is dead with you."

Mrs. Mayberry's anger simmered beneath the surface as she struggled to maintain her composure in the face of Blitzø's cavalier attitude.

Mrs mayberry: "not all of them...the whore survived."



Mrs mayberry: "SHE IS NOT A HERO!!"

blitzø: yes, my thoughts exactly

Outside the office loona is sitting on the couch holding a picture of a family moxxie was pointing a crossbow at the picture millie was telling to shoot the picture and Ray was sitting in a corner playing with his weapons

Millie: "Moxxie, stop shaking. You're gonna shoot our only hellhound."

Loona, sitting on the couch with a picture of the family in her hands, couldn't help but express her sarcasm.

Loona: "I feel so loved here."

Moxxie, still grappling with the moral dilemma of their assignment, questioned the justification of targeting a human family.

Moxxie: "But under what circumstances would we have to kill a human family?"

Millie: "I mean, if that's what the clients want."

Moxxie: "Maybe a shity dad or a mob family that's understandable......but to eradicate a intire innocent family."

Loona: "Hey! you don't know they're innocent this kid probably sets dogs on fire, this girl probably get soft by billing Australian kids online! and this guy....This Guy definitely watches."

Millie: "She's right, humans are filled with secret nasties that's why so many of them end up here."

Moxxie: "But-"

Millie: "Guilty and innocent isn't our business. Killing who we're paid to is our business. Shoot the target."

Just as Moxxie was about to release the arrow, Blitzø intervened with his trademark flair, kicking open the door with impeccable timing. The sudden disturbance caused Moxxie's aim to falter, and the arrow went flying off course, nearly hitting Loona until Ray deftly caught it.

Ray: "You're welcome."

Loona: "Literally no one asked for help."

Ray: [Slams the arrow in her face]

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