VIII-the harvest moon festival

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Ray was sitting on his couch until he got a phone call

Ray: "Hello?"

Blitzø: "hey Ray, were going to the wraith ring for a festival, wanna join."

Ray: "uh-"

Blitzø: "great! See you there."
[hungs up]

Ray: "...Better than here I guess..."

Scene shifts to the Rough 'n Tumbleweed Ranch.The I.M.P. van pulls up in front of two imps

Millie: "Mama! Daddy!"

Millie gets out of the van and happily runs toward her parents. Her father hugs her and spins her around before placing her down.

Joe: "Yeeeee-hawwww! How's my deadly little pumpkin spice doing?"

Joe ruffles Millie's hair affectionately.

Millie: "I'm good, Pa! Thanks for lettin' us stay here for the harvest jamboree."

Lin: "It's no trouble. We know you aren't making as much anymore since y'all went "freelance"

Millie: "Freelance pays fine, Ma! We're doin' fiiiiine!......It's fine."

Millie walks over to Moxxie, who is struggling to carry luggage.

Millie: "Anyway, y'all remember my husband Moxxie?"

Millie shoves a nervous Moxxie in front of her parents. They stare at him in disapproval.

Joe: "Hmph."

Moxxie: "Greetings, Lin! Joe! How have you been, uh, with all the... flaming twisters and stuff around here?"

Joe: "We lost our old farm hand to one of them terrors last week."

Moxxie: "Oh, crumbs. My bad! I am so sorry. I- I didn't mean to open that wound... sir."

Blitzø: "Hey, watch it! I'm the "sir" here, bucko!"

Millie: "Oh yeah! Y'all haven't met my boss Blitzo! His hellhound! And Bodyguard."

Loona: "I'm not just his hellhound."

Blitzø: "Yeah, she's my daughter!"

pulls Loona to his side

Loona: "Only on paper."

Blitzo walks away to greet Millie's parents.

Loona: [pulls out smartphone and begins typing] "Y'all don't deserve to know my name."

Ray: "Yeah you're right, they're too important to know."

Loona: "Fuck off."

Ray and Blitz walk over to Millie's parents.

Ray: "Good evening you two....wait is the evening?"

Blitzø: "It's a pleasure to finally meet the sperm and egg factory that popped out this little gem of an assassin. You two raised a sturdy bitch!"

Joe: [Chuckles] "That we did! So... Blitzo, is it? Heh heh. That's a fine name."

Blitzo and Joe shake hands.

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