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Saturday dawned rainy. The haze outside was intense. A poor black kitten ran and took up residence under a balcony of the front house. Luana, as soon as she woke up, got up in one jump. Last night had been the girls' party. Luana approached Stella, who was still sleeping, put her hand on her arm, and called out:

"Wake up, Stella. It's late."

Stella opened her eyes and replied:

"What is it, Luna? Did something happen?"

"It's time to get up. Today is the day of the dance. We have to get ready. I've already chosen my dress. And you, will you wear the one you showed me the other day and said you had never worn?"

Luana stared at me, and I closed my eyes immediately.

"Don't pretend to be asleep, Emi! I know you're awake."

"It's only seven o'clock! It's too early. Relax, let's get some more sleep! Saturday and Sunday are the only days we can sleep late, Luna!" I complained."

Luana shook her head in disagreement.

"Not at all. I'll get ready quickly, but you need to do some work tonight. Maybe you should visit the salon around the corner and get your hair and makeup done."

"Stop it, Luna. Didn't Stella say she could do the makeup? We don't need anything too extravagant!"

Luana sat up in bed, sulking.

"Oh, dear! But you're such a buzzkill, Emi!"

Stella smiled, shook her head, sat down on the bed next to Luana, and, looking into her eyes, gave her a playful pinch on her cheek.

"We're not going to a competition. I'll get ready in my own way. And you seem too excited about this dance. I almost regret agreeing to go with you."

"That's true, Luna. Emi is right. We're not going to a parade; it's just a dance, a simple dance. Of course, the word 'simple' is in quotes because Fabio is anything but simple."

Luana managed to laugh.

"Yes, of course. He's always in that white suit. I wonder who he's taking? All I know is that Patrick invited me..."

"Patrick from Group Three? Really, Luna?" Stella was surprised.

"I'm serious. And who are you going with, Stella?"

"Oh, I'm going with Ben."

Stella turned red and looked at me and Luana too.

"And you, Emi, who are you going with?" Luana asked.

"I thought we were all going together."

They started to laugh.

"And I thought you already had a date. I thought my brother, Guilherme, invited you, so you agreed to go, didn't you?"

"Of course not, Lua. Nobody invited me, except João."

"João, right? Well, go with him. If he invited you."

"Of course, he didn't. I didn't even feel like going to this stupid dance!"

They stared at me with their mouths open, not even blinking.

"Emi, don't say that. Don't be like that. In a week, we'll have visits from our relatives. You'll be calmer, but behave yourself at the ball, be polite, please."

I lowered my head.

"I'm sorry," I said. "I'm just tired, okay? I just want to sleep some more, okay?"

"I want to, too. After all, we spend the whole week training and studying. Come on, Luna. Get some more sleep too. You need to rest that fairy face of yours so you don't scare Patrick."

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