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In the afternoon, Luana, Stella, and I went to school. It was strange to say the word "school" in that place. I felt like I was forgetting something: it was the school supplies.

"Luna, what about school supplies?" I commented.

"Gui said that everything was in our lockers."

"That's great!" Stella said.

We went into the corridor where there were lockers on each side of the walls. I saw a boy with his back to me and when he turned around, I saw that it was Peter.

"Peter!" shouted Stella.

He smiled.

"Hi, girls!" he exclaimed, smiling. He looked well. "Today we won't feel any pain, but tomorrow when we wake up..."

"Absolutely!" confirmed Stella.

Someone tapped me on my right shoulder. I turned and saw that it was the boy who had been arguing with Guilherme.

"Hi Emi," he said.

"Hi, ah..."

"João, my name is João. I didn't want to tell that asshole instructor my name, I didn't want him to feel superior."

"That was very brave," Peter said.

João stared at him.

"Someone had to teach him a lesson. He thinks he's too much."

"Absolutely!" said Stella.

I saw that Luana was still there, she certainly didn't like people talking bad about her brother.

"Luna!" I exclaimed. She turned around and we stood face to face. I took her arm. "Let's go! We're already late..."

And I took her with me.

"Emi! Wait!" João said and ran to us.

"Luna, you better go. I'll meet you in a few minutes, okay?" I told her.

She nodded and left. I stood face to face with João. I didn't want to be rude, but I felt compelled to tell him.

"Look... João, isn't it? That girl over there is the instructor's sister. It's not nice to talk badly about the guy in front of her, don't you think?"

"Oh, sorry! Really, I had no idea she was his sister. If I had known..."

Stella and Peter came to meet us.

"Emi, what happened to Luna?" Stella whispered in my ear.

"The instructor is her brother," I whispered back.

"Oh, really?"


João ran and caught up with Luana.

"Luna! Please wait! I didn't know he was your brother..."

"What if you knew?! You wouldn't say anything just because of that? Give me a break!"

And she went into the room. Stella, Peter, and I walked past João and into the room.

"Good afternoon, my dears," said a man.

We sat down in our chairs, and when I turned around, it was Fabio.

"It's Fabio!" I whispered to Luana, who was behind me.

"I am Fabio, owner of the O.S., as you all already know. Very well, let's go. I will be your teacher, starting today. I will be teaching biology... I want you all to open the book to page four, now. If you would be so kind."

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