𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 4-3 - 𝙃𝙤𝙬 𝙢𝙪𝙘𝙝 𝙬𝙚'𝙫𝙚 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙙 ;)

115 8 14

Keep thinking Venti, you're getting closer and closer to how you ended this path...just keep trying to remember only the important points during your time of attempting to take out...him.

You're nearer and nearer...

Wangshu Inn - Evening

"H-Hi guys! I didn't expect to see you all up here in the Inn!" Walking up to them with my hands cupped together and trying to keep sane. I greeted both Aether and Xiao with a fake smile that I learnt to pull off with during my time when trying to kill Ayaka.

Gosh that feels like years ago... 

"Venti! Nice meeting you all the way out here! How has everything been?" Despite me technically intruding on their 'personal' time. Aether welcomed me with a warm feeling...ah~ I wish I can feel this feeling every day.

It's a shame that it's all going to waste right now.  "It's been good. Been hanging on since the you know...incident." Oh fuck- Why on earth did I mention that? Now that's gonna make me look suspicious as hell.

"Incident? Aether? Did something happen to you during the summer?" Xiao turned to Aether and questioned him about That. "Hm? What thing? I don't remember anything weird happening during the summer."

Wait what? "Really? Well on the topic of Summer, what were you doing anyway Aether?" He looked to me with a confused and weirded out look, as if I freaked him out or something like that.

"Did...did you forget Venti? We both went to the beach together with Amber and Eula during Summer! You picked me up when I wasn't looking and threw me into the ocean, shortly jumping in afterwards!"

"Also, you nearly caught me um...well, let's just say that would've been very embarrassing if it actually happened."

Has...has he been drugged or something? What am I saying? Of course he has...fucking Albedo, him and his fucking drugs. I'm glad that he's been put away by Jean...

"Oh thaaaaat! Of course I remember! Hahahahaha.....sorry, I have a really bad memory sometimes." Playing along with my Senpai, I acted like I knew what he was talking about what 'actually happened' during the entirety of Summer.

"Eh, it's fine Venti we're all like that sometimes." Unexpectedly, Xiao chuckled quietly but then immediately stopped when I looked over at him. "Something funny Xiao? I saw your face light up there a second ago."

"What? I wasn't laughing Venti, I was just shaking my...head." He's a terrible liar when it comes to things that he actually did but a great liar when it's something he didn't actually do. "Huh...okay then, I won't push you if you feel uncomfortable about what you just did."

Ignoring Xiao's little laughter, I looked back at Aether and decided to poke around with him a little. "So Aether...is it alright if I asked you something personal?" He nodded and let out a hand. "Sure, as long as it isn't too personal."

Total Obsession //  Venti X AetherWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu