Chapter 3-2 - ...

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July 11th

I don't like planning ahead so much since it makes me nervous for the future, it's nice to just let everything happened on it's own. That's what it's meant to be like anyway, right?

Hence why Albedo and I only chatted for a few hours before I got scared and walked off, saying for an excuse that I had to go and see Barbara again.

Instead it was to prevent the 'killer' from targeting him since he's spending so much time and money with me. 

I really wish I could...I really do so...

I wish I could just hang out with everyone like I normally did, it was so much better back then and I loved it even better.

Wonder what my Sister is doing with Xiao right now...probably teasing him because he is hot. Wh-What she said by the way, not my words.

What am I doing right now though? Drinking some Tea just to waken me up since I'm still in confinement ah- My decision so don't complain or hate it. It's for my and everyone else's safety.

Man, it sure would be better to do something other than just sit around and stare at the ceiling for the whole week. Shouldn't there be like a book or something around here for me to read? To write my thoughts in?

I'll look around once I'm done drinking here...


Ah...nothing is better than having some fine tea in the morning, it isn't from Liyue but still is quite remarkable! Wonder if I should give this to Venti whenever he needs a drink, it might kick the habit for him.

Mmm...right! That's me all done, Uh I should probably just put this cup on the table next to the door since it would save Barbara the time of walking over here to get it.

Okay...let's have a nosy around the place and see if there is anything that I could grab and write in...

Not in this drawer, that's where my clothes are...and not up in that cupboard, perhaps under my bed?

Nope, does- Oh! There's actually this book over in this corner. Let me just pull it out and see if it has anything written in it. If not then I can doodle in it and-

Huh? There's a box behind it as well...might as well pull that out too since I'm gonna be stuck here for a while.

Slowly and carefully, I pulled out both the book and the box that was hidden underneath my bed. I had to pull up the covers since they were continuously getting in my way, and it made it easier to pull out.

Ugh, it was all dusty as well. M-Makes sense I guess, it was underneath a place where hardly anyone goes to clean. Better blow it all off so that it doesn't get on the bed...that corner over there should do.

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